Monday, September 5, 2022

Let It Ride

 h/t Mike

Mike @ Cold Fury is justifiably upset, and taking notice, of the relentless push towards open conflict, in this case noting a "kid friendly" Draq Queen burlesque show in Texas, in a county that's 90% Red state, with armed security by the local Pantifa John Brown Gun Club.

I have a more sangiune view of how that works itself out.

Hear me out.

Let 'em do that.

No, really.

Sooner or later, the Law Of Averages says that's going to get one or more of those idiots a third eyehole, from far beyond their meager capabilities to engage.

And then they'll return fire at innocents.

Worse = better.

And far better than that, someone really smart won't even take the bait they offered. They'll just wait until the Antifatards unass that AO after the event, follow them home, and make careful notes. And the tards will get it taking out the garbage, picking up a pizza, or doing their laundry a week or two later, with no AR-15 or hood handy. Won't that be a real shame?

And a week after that, someone will activate that bar's fire insurance, sure as the sun rises in the east.

They won't be able to shoot back at that, either.

But they're going to ratchet their way into exactly the open conflict they can't win and shouldn't start, because they think they'll prevail.

And when they're dead, and those hoods come off, I wouldn't give you a nickel for their families' chances afterwards either. Those people will have to change time zones, or go into witness protection. 

These are babies playing with live grenades, and juggling lit road flares in a wading pool full of gasoline, and the outcome is predictable in the extreme.

Antifa placed their chips, and they keep spinning the wheel. And they've forgotten how that worked out for Moldylocks. They want to buck that tiger. Fair enough. Let the wheel spin, and let that bet ride. 

{Apparently necessary for those who know what flavor their windows are: If you took this as "Don't do anything", instead of "Don't do anything stupid", you are still a No-Go at this station. And should strive for greater reading comprehension in the English language. If the shoe fits...}


  1. Aesop:
    Your prediction of the bar getting a rise in its fire insurance premium is spot-on. The venue is the most vulnerable point of failure in this scheme. Arson is the poor man's WMD and damn effective is changing the opinion of the person who has nothing to gain and lots to lose in this scheme to antagonize people into open conflict: the owner of the bar. As long as the owner sees these events as a way to promote his/her business, they'll continue. Once a venue goes up in flames, they stop. None of these people will risk losing their livelihood so some drag-queen-pervert-pedophile can dry hump some kids in front of their progressive single mommy. Better yet if they let their fire insurance lapse because the premiums rose sharply in 2020 for some reason....

    As for the Antifa retards?
    The less said about those useful idiots the better. They don't exist, remember?

    The people who should REALLY be afraid are the ones going to these events without a mask obscuring their identities: the mothers of these children. Those people will face the wrath of the awakened Saxon when he learns to hate.

    That's just how I see it. I feel cheated. We should be facing off against a better class of communist. These retards are just pathetic.

  2. As I recall, Moldylockks got a free ad-hoc nose job and was still able to get paid for hanging her Who--Hahs out over a party of the "swells" and other perverts. I rather appreciate the aesthetics of the thing with the flares or even the incident at the trash barrel. People don't seem to appreciate style any longer.

    Good memes, by the way.

  3. Don't take the bait.

    Press hard and loud for local authorities to take action. Openly and clearly declare that under two months 'til elections. Remind that elections can make a difference, trumpeting the need to elect those who will make a difference. Make TWANLOC (those who are no longer our countrymen) riot, Burn, Loot, Murder. Allow them to enable you to more and more plainly point out the connection between their actions and actual intent. Use Alinsky tactics.

    But realize that bait is being dangled. Don't take it.

    1. You are the problem. You are saying let a wound fester because it might hurt to remove it. This will be what kills this country

  4. Back in the day when I wore green, and I'm talking late 70s early 80s because I'm an old bastard now, I was the regimental marksman for a couple of years. This meant I'd won my regiment's annual marksmanship competitions with our service rifle for that year. I also won my state military shooting competition for soldiers under the age of 21 in 1980.

    All this is by way of saying I was pretty good with a long arm way back then, and I've only got better over the years. My eyes aren't as good, but Zeiss glass beats iron sights all the time.

    And on the way home from a golf game with an old school friend this very afternoon, there I was thinking how easy it would be for a good rifleman to put some long distance hurt on these dimwitted Antifa motherfuckers and their foul ilk. All you'd need is a grassy knoll, a good rifle and 500m separation to have a very entertaining afternoon.

    There's a lot to ponder here.

    1. Back in those years a gunsmith who shot at our range had been an armorer for the Army Marksmanship Unit at Benning.
      He used to say "if I can see you, you're in range."
      He took the 200 yard service rifle rapid fire stage at Perry that year. 200, 17 X.
      John in Indy

  5. Somebody's going to read to these @$$holes from the book of I Rittenhouse 1:1-3.

  6. Spot on with waiting to choose your opportunity. I’ve never understood why these pantifa idiots don’t get surveillance on the way out of these venues. Someone must be doing it right? These creatures have to bed down somewhere. That’s where you take the fight to. But, OTH, just like those BLM idiots that had all those negligent discharges when they were forming up in that park, I gotta believe those skinny ass idiots will eventually get an itchy trigger finger and let one fly. I can only hope the end of the barrel is pointed at one of their own.

  7. As I read the post and comments, I've got a serious earworm of Bachman Turner Overdrive doing "Let It Ride".

  8. Does Texas have laws against being masked while armed?
    Do they have any laws on blocking public right of ways while armed, or anything about threatening or intimidating people while armed?
    This seems so in the way that I bet there is something local cops or DAs could use against them if enough people complained...

    1. don't know about Tejas, but in Nevada there is a law against "brandishing a firearm". An open carry state, but you don't get to mask up and display your firearm like it's a war zone. (at least not yet). Texas is pretty good gun law wise, but I don't think this shit is legal anywhere.
      Doesn't really matter anymore anyway. Let the party start.
      Original Grandpa

  9. From "friends" in Proud Boys. Those Anti-Fa have police security when leaving events and police respond and follow up after the events. Not just red areas, but blue as well. (Red: opposing forces. Blue: Our forces).

    The rest of this article should have been spontaneous back in 2016, at least people are accepting the reality of all of this. Gun sales up, ammo sales up, tactical and defense schools overbooked throughout the year and last year.

    I have a notion that a certain political party are the benefactors of the street goons and also their commanders because it's a big club and we aren't in it.

    1. Those that aid and abet criminals become criminals via their actions, subject to the same punishment.

  10. Still waiting for action instead of talk...

  11. If you dig around the internet a little, they supposedly had a guy with a rifle down the block on the 3rd floor of a parking garage. So - the beginning of some knowledge

  12. Here's a thread from Twitchy via CFP on how a bunch people aren't taking kindly to Bribem's defamation of American citizens.

    Here's an article on Town Hall (Kurt Schlichter), also via CFP, on Bribem's contention that F-15's will prevail against AR's.



  13. Look at this:

    One would think: "Surely they aren't stupid enough to provoke a bunch of 1% outlaw bikers..."

    Apparently they are. 🤣

    Note the cops reaction in that little minor confrontation: I bet they were thinking: "Either way this goes, we(the cops) win."

    Hell, I bet the cops were secretly cheering for the bikers.

  14. “follow them home, and make careful notes.”

    3 sideds hot the shit stains.😂


  15. Spot on with the idea of identifying these masked tards. Once IDed, they need to start being quietly disappeared. Hey, where's Chuck ? Anybody heard from Preston lately ? Maybe we ought to move.

    And yes, that bar/distillery in Roanoke owned by the father of a drag queen needs to serve as training venue for the local VFD.

  16. Thanks Roy Kearns. It's always good to hear from someone who is a fervent believer in 'voting their way out of this mess'. You know, those people who believe that if they vote hard enough, they can get the right person into office. If they could vote harder than they done ever voted in their entire life, they'll get that one republican into office that will protect the children from the groomers, pedo's, and predatory drag queens.

    What happens though if you don't vote in the right person, but instead, some feckless repub or dem is installed? Then what? How long are the children expected to wait for someone(s) to come to their aid?

  17. @Anon 9:00A,

    You are the problem. Because you're not bright enough to read 300 words and grasp the meaning therein.
    Letting the problem fester is exactly what I didn't suggest.
    I'm guessing after the first 50 words, you couldn't read any more, or the person reading it to you walked away, and you gave up. Well-played, illiterate retard. Maybe somewhere, there's a blog for you, all in crayon pics.

    That's because you want someone else to do your work for you.
    This is why you fail. And will continue to do so perpetually until you figure that out.
    "Let's you and him fight!" is always the kneejerk bitch response.
    Don't be one.

    @Anon 9:36,
    Stop being cryptic.
    Who? Antifa? As if.
    Links or it never happened.
    And if it's true, and you can back it up with more than unsubstantiated hearsay, that's the guy to take out first.
    How many guys did that guy have watching his back?
    How many cameras on him?

    Thought experiment: 8 Antifa on corner end up dead. Their overwatch too. And then it turns out that all the bullets that killed the rest came from his gun, until "some upstanding bystander" took him out. The police would be able to tell which order that, exactly? Antifa clown painted as mass shooter? Genius.

    Several people aren't tall enough for this ride, and they're playing checkers instead of chess. And obviously, not all of them are in TX.

  18. @ t0x,

    Ease off on Roy there.
    He didn't say vote at all, let alone only vote at them.
    He did suggest applying political pressure.
    Which should absolutely be done, 24/7/365.
    But it should be part of a multi-front operation, not solely as an end in itself.
    Including kinetic.
    Political power is important.
    But not omnipotent.
    "Power comes out of the barrel of a gun." - Mao

    Antifa brought their guns for intimidation at a drag show.
    It's time they found out what upping that ante buys the ignorant, inept, and stupid.
    Antifa is all three.

  19. Maybe I missed it (probably)....
    Talking about actions against the PantyFags, and the bar, and the mothers.
    What about the grooming pedo drag queens?
    They could be followed, intelled, and have actions done just as easily (easier?).

    President Elect B Woodman

  20. Feels like a Suess book: "Oh, the Stupid Prizes You'll Earn!"

  21. We're 10 some odd miles from this place in Roanoke, TX (Denton County). "Red" Texas is a MYTH. And now thanks to sellout frauds like Abbott, Patrick, and their blocking back in the Texas state "house" Dade Phelan. Not to mention John "Juneteenth" Cornyn who in 2020, and AGAIN, the normie DOPES here in Texas returned to Mordor for another 6 yr. term (just over 4 now) and assist Bitch McCConnell. Cruz talks a great game, but when it's show time he also caves. He barely beat "Beto" O'Rourke winning by 2.6% points. This past state legislative session the "-r" state house began abdicating Ft. Worth to the marxists cutting up stand up guy Jeff Cason's district. As of THIS POST Houston, San Antonio, Dallas, Austin are under marxist cuntrol. Soon they'll have Ft. Worth and with it 38 Electoral Votes. And by the way, Abbott is running again this Nov. against guess who? He's done NOTHING to secure the border here. WHY do you think he's busing the current crop of handout recipients to Mordor, NYFC, now Chicago which he began early summer? I could fill up this server's hard drive about who Abbott truly is. Those paying attention can too.

  22. They're baiting us. They want us to go kinetic so they can unleash the Fed Gov Minions. Night of the Long Knives USA edition by their .gov collaborators_masters is their dream.

  23. "Antifa brought their guns for intimidation at a drag show.
    It's time they found out what upping that ante buys the ignorant, inept, and stupid."

    A. Friggin'. MEN. Time, and well PAST time. So far, pAntiFa has beat the living hell out of a whole damned passel of folks--including wolfpacking at least one elderly fella out West someplace if I remember right--with total impunity, no repercussions of any kind whatsoever, legal or otherwise. Hell, in more than one instance, the cops actually formed a secure cordon so's the fascist ratbags might exfil the scene of the crime safely.

    Meanwhile, when the pAntiFa baglappers ambushed a Proud Boys gathering in NYC as the PBs exited the bar a while back, the only people thrown into the pokey after the fracas ended up guessed it, the Proud Boys.

    That's maybe what frosts my nuts more than anything else here: far from having to worry about any police response harsher than a gap, a stretch, and a yawn to actions foR which anyone here would be tried, convicted, and thrown into Supermax so fast their eyes would tear, the assholes enjoy the actual protection of the cops. Law and order? My chapped, baggy ass. Any MAGA American out there still kidding himself that the cops are basically "on our side" badly needs to rethink a few things, before he winds up with his butt caught in the blades.

  24. There are scope designs out there that make it absolutely easy for anyone capable of following the basics of rifle marksmanship to land a hit out to 500-600 yards. As in find the range then 'point and shoot' easy. (Assuming, of course, a properly zeroed rifle.)

    I don't think we're supposed to remember the nut who had half the cops in California chasing him around or the various east coast clowns who caused a huge ruckus with a relatively small investment. Just this past few days, there were a couple of clowns in Canada who had everyone scared because of a knifing spree. Just pointing out things that attract the healthy interest of the police.

    Don't buy burner phones and use them to make 911 calls about spurious sightings of a guy with a tube and a box attached to the end who is looking at an airport. That would be naughty and bad. And especially avoid doing that and making a care package to the local airport that the cops were too busy babysitting a drag show to secure the area after a report of a MANPADS.

    A couple of other salient facts. Most murders are committed by people with a history of arrests for violent crimes. Also, most murders are committed by someone who knows the victim. Don't use that information for naughty and bad purposes. That would most certainly be naughty.
