Thursday, September 22, 2022

Entropy Works

 ...and then Wilder said...


  1. Russia: enabling 1000 men to fight like 10 since 1905.

  2. Aesop,

    Ha! You stole the idea for your meme from General Schwarzkopf. About Iraq, he said that "Before Desert Storm, Iraq had the 4th largest land army in the world. After Desert Storm, it had the second largest land army in Iraq."

    He said this to me when we were eating lunch one day. There were 400 other people in the room who he was addressing, and he was about 60 feet away, but he was eating lunch and I was eating lunch, so, the way I see it, is that he said it to me at lunch.

    Maybe I am not giving you enough credit. Maybe it's just a case of great minds thinking alike.

  3. That tends to happen when you regard your troops as being as fungible as bullets.

  4. @Survivorman,

    Follow the breadcrumbs. This one was all JW's fault.

  5. Stole and tweeted

  6. Seems like the tank autoloaders weren't such a good idea. That and high angle munitions leave a hell of a mess on the lawn.

    Then,again, the fertile black earth of the Ukraine was needing a dose of nitrates and compost. Payback and all.

  7. The "Battle of the Bulge II" is over, Ukraine suffered a massive defeat like the Germans did in 1944, for the same reason. The additional 300,000 RF troops will be to become defenders of Russian Federation territory recovered.

    Those supporting Ukraine recovering territory stolen from Russia by Stalin, will be disappointed to say the least.

    Repeat after me, Crimea was recovered, not annexed.

    So, the upshot is if the Rothschild/NATO clown running what I laughably call the Ukie government continues, Rump Ukraine will shrink further and have no access to the Black Sea at all by year's end.

  8. If only imagining reality contrary to fact made it so.


  10. He's quite simply delusional, Pat.
    The number of statements there which are wholesale fantasy are innumerable.

  11. would you care to cite a couple examples of the "innumerable" fanatasis of which you speak?

  12. Zman made a post a month or so ago about how "ackshually, Javelins had no impact on the war at all".

    Like I said: Nigerian prince level crap. Anybody who'll swallow that will swallow anything.

  13. @JimR,

    1) "In an address to the nation, Putin announced that Russia would accept the results of the referendums planned in the Donbas. When these areas vote to join the Russian Federation, they will become sovereign Russian territory."

    Delusional bullshit. Try an experiment: stick a loaded gun with the hammer cocked in your neighbor's mouth. Ask him if he'd like to donate the contents of his wallet to you. When he nods yes, and you take everything he's got, claim in court afterwards that his decision constituted a binding donation of his assets to you. Cite the governing legal precedent for such an arrangement in common law. Show all work.

    2) "The rules the Russians placed on themselves in this fight were to limit contact between the Russian army and the Ukrainian army. This means the militias did the bulk of the fighting with air and artillery support from the Russians. Private military contractors were also brought in to assist the militias with weapons and logistics."

    More bullshit. That's actually about 10 to 15 - if not more - separate pieces of wholesale psychotic delusion, but rather than unpack them individually, please explain to the class which "militias" it was that entered Ukraine from Belorussia at the opening of the conflict, headed straight for Kyiv, and how they got there from Donbas and Luhansk.
    If you or anyone can pull that entire zoo of animals magically out of their ass, Penn and Teller have a guest spot in their Vegas show.


    We wouldn't bother to fisk the whole piece (of dung) even for real money, because it would take ten or twenty separate essays just to briefly touch on the delusion present in the entire piece. If anyone couldn't see even those two examples on their own, without prompting, they are not tall enough for this internet, and saying more would be like trying to explain the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in Ewok to a room full of blind autistic retards.

  14. 1) "In an address to the nation, Putin announced that Russia would accept the results of the referendums planned in the Donbas. When these areas vote to join the Russian Federation, they will become sovereign Russian territory."

    'Delusional bullshit. Try an experiment: stick a loaded gun with the hammer cocked in your neighbor's mouth When he nods yes, and you take everything he's got, claim in court afterwards that his decision constituted a binding donation of his assets to you.'

    Nice misdirect, Putin didn't say the Ukraine, or anyone else for that matter would accept it, just Russia. Much liked Russia accepted the referendum that returned the Crimea to Russia.

    "The militias" refer to the fighters in Donbass and Luhansk, not Belorussia. The area in which the majority of fighting has occured in the last six months. (and the areas the Ukrainian thugogcracy has been shelling since 2014.)

  15. So you are one of those blind autistic retards. Thanks for stepping up to own that.

    Zman's contention that this was "mostly militias" is delusional horseshit. This has been entirely the Russia army, and that includes the "militias" in Donbas and Luhansk, which were nothing but infiltrated Russian troops in civilian clothes, which even stupid people figured out in about 5 seconds waaaaay back in 2014. Which is why Ukraine's been shelling those areas since then. They were illegally occupied by Russia since 2014.

    What Russia considers Russian territory, with ot without fake referendums, is exactly the point at issue. You don't ask the thief whether the theft is legal Unless you're a moron). Thinking's not your game, Ike. Let's try a spelling bee.

  16. Sorry, Aesop, you're really not knowledgeable on the Ukraine, AT ALL. I wonder where you received the idea that you have such knowledge?

    Now, the US Navy has sabotaged the two Nordstream pipelines, which constitutes an act of war against both Germany AND Russia.

    The braindead moron, that's Beijing Biden, and his handlers, are pushing a war which NATO cannot win.

  17. I am not sure why you feel the need for poor quality insults when someone disagrees with you, though that does seem to be your default position, are you that insecure?

    Putin announced that Russia would accept the result of the referendum, which means if it had failed, (unlikey, but possible) Russia would have accepted that.

  18. @Pat,

    The Baltic Sea floor is between 180 and 1500 ft deep. Anyone with a fishing boat, an anchor, and 1/2 a mile of rope could have sabotaged those pipelines in about 5 minutes. And probably did.
    If leaping to wild conclusions is the only exercise you're getting, you need to get to the gym more.

    I save the high-quality insults for the intelligent responses. Not those who disagree with me, but those who are bag-of-hammers dumb.
    Putin will accept the results of his own sham "referendum"? (If grammar were fair, there'd be a "b" on the end of that word where Putin is concerned.) Really? in territory they militarily conquered and occupy at gunpoint, among people they've terrorized, bombed, and shelled for six months?? And after not having any input from the millions of residents who fled, or are in the increasingly large areas they have no control over whatsoever???
    How white of them.

    I though your earlier troll was the stupidest thing you could possibly contribute. But this latest one sets new records. I underestimated you.

  19. First you assert that Putin's statement that Russia would accept the results of the referendum was "delusional bullshit" now you agree that Russia will accept the referendum.

  20. The delusional bullshit is the idea that "When these areas vote to join the Russian Federation, they will become sovereign Russian territory." As well as the idea that a party at interest, and holding the areas under contention at gunpoint, can hold a free and fair election amidst the war it started, or whether it matters a rat's ass what the vote is when attempting to hijack 1/3 of someone else's country.

    If you're going to hold an election, the relevant party is all Ukrainians, in all of Ukraine, not just cherry-picking the parts you've managed to conquer, after bombing and shelling half the natives dead, forcing hordes of the rest to leave, while the few who remain you hold at gunpoint.

    Ukraine owns all of Ukraine. You don't get to break into an apartment building, and let the tenants vote how much of it you can take from the owner. If residents within Ukraine's borders like Russia and Russian dictatorship so much, they've had, at this point, 32 years to pack their shit up and move there. They do not get to take Ukraine with them into Russia.

    Now explain to the class why, if half the counties in states on the U.S. southern border voted to go, we should let Mexico annex those counties, at gunpoint, and/or why that would be different in our case.

    I have to ask: are you really this dense? Or do you have someone actually profoundly retarded typing this nonsense out for you? I really can't tell.

  21. "Owner" what, are the Ukrainians now slaves of the govt in Kiev? interesting take

    "When these areas vote to join the Russian Federation, they will become sovereign Russian territory." Except that isn't what Putin said, so your straw man is getting a little thin, but you do you.

    "Now explain to the class why, if half the counties in states on the U.S. southern border voted to go, we should let Mexico annex those counties, at gunpoint, and/or why that would be different in our case."

    You make assumptions, I made no claim that anything like that would be different. Unless you could prehaps show me where I did? or were you just setting up another strawman?

  22. "The Baltic Sea floor is between 180 and 1500 ft deep. Anyone with a fishing boat, an anchor, and 1/2 a mile of rope could have sabotaged those pipelines in about 5 minutes. And probably did."
    Well, unless they were using dupont spinners, I don't see them causing an explosion. When is what the reports indicate.

  23. Ignoring the chaff, let's get to the kernel of what's going to happen.

    The Russian Federation is going to win the decisions of the provinces, like it or not. They will return to the area of Greater Russia, which is what those governing the Russian Federation want.

    Keep in mind that Vlad Putin is not in absolute control of the Russian Federation government. He can be deposed.

    The longer the Rump Ukraine government delays surrender, the smaller their land are will be.

  24. Jim,
    Thanks for settling my last question: you're really that dense.

    Newsflash to TardLand: The government of any nation irrevocably owns its own territory.
    But thanks for noting that the people Putin is fake-polling are Ukrainians who speak Russians, not Russian citizens.
    If they wish the latter status, they are free to emigrate out.
    What they don't get, and what no citizen anywhere gets, is the right to abscond with any portion of territory of the nation he lives in, because it's not his to dispose of. Least of all via a rigged and wholly fraudulent plebiscite.

    The subjext under discussion was what Z-man said, which was total delusional horseshit. As it's the exact topic under discussion, it's not a straw man, and you're clearly an idiot to describe it as such, after asking for it explicitly. There's no nice way to say that, and it's entirely accurate.

    As for a similar situation regarding Mexico and the US, you have a choice to make:
    Would it be different, or do the Mexicans living in those border counties have the same right, in your tiny mind, to vote themselves a portion of the United States, and make it part of Mexico unilaterally? Or not?
    Your answer determines whether you're a hypocrite, or a moron. There is no third option, and I could give you odds which is likelier, in advance, if you'd like.

    If the concept of the simile is too hard for you, I can try a post, just for you, using crayon illustrations and small words, to explain it exhaustively. Let me know.

  25. @JimR,

    And first reports are how accurate, in all cases, on average...?
    I'll wait while you work that one out.

  26. Out of curiousity, I ask, what is the purpose of the low grade insults you spew when someone disagrees with you?

    Are you hoping to anger the commenter? or is it a way to express your frustrations with daily life that would be unwise to state at work? The answer isn't relevent to me of course, but I am often curious of the motives behind actions I don't understand.

  27. @Pat,

    The "decisions" were printed out months ago, and are also totally meaningless. Operation Canned Goods 2.0 isn't fooling any more people than the first iteration did. They have no force of law, and the opinion of the thief about his stolen goods carries no weight in any court, since ever, nor should it. The entire farcical pretext is pointlessly moot, and serves mainly to self-beclown anyone who takes it seriously, or pretends to. Beginning with Putin.

    The longer the horse's rump in Moscow prosecutes this invasion and land theft, the smaller his army will be.

  28. @Jim,
    1) They're not "low grade" insults, they're simply as much as is merited. If you want better insults, or ideally none at all, make better arguments.
    2) I don't insult people who disagree with me. I ridicule the ridiculously stupid.
    3) Nothing you've posted constitutes a frustration with daily life. At best, you're a tree to sharpen claws upon, or a mouse to toy with, and good for little else.
    4) It clearly isn't just actions you don't understand. The encyclopedia of what you cannot grasp, just on this topic, and based solely on your interactions here the last few days, would clearly comprise a tonnage that would stun an elephant.
    5) I notice that you continue to duck the discussion of whether the same situation as in Ukraine would or would not be all right if America's ox was being gored.
    One point for cunning, but minus 20 points for ducking the central question.
    6) You launched the dispute, but you either cannot or will not engage in discussion on the merits of the point you called into question, despite multiple opportunities to make your case with more than simple gainsaying. So you're wrong, forensically helpless, and simply a time-wasting troll. Back under your bridge!

  29. I simply asked you to offer actual examples the the "delusiuonal bullshi" you claimed Putin was saying
    You then misdirect, engaged strawmen, and began insulting. Par for the course I suppose, but you do you.

  30. Uh, no. The question was never about Putin, it was about Z-man's post on the topic.
    They are the 10th, 11th, 12th (yours), and 15th posts in reply to this topic, all of about 6 inches scrolling right up there^^, where they've been all along.

    Go back and read it, and read what you asked for, which you received exactly as requested.
    Which you then evidently forgot, or were too stupid to comprehend. Dealer's choice there.

    That you're evidently too stupid to even remember your own request or the entire conversation is entirely your own problem, but it underlines the baseline retardation involved.

    This is the textbook example of shit-for-brains. It's never a satisfactory substitute.
    Thank you profusely for illustrating the concept with such clarity.
    Now be off with you.
