Sunday, August 28, 2022

Sunday EVERYDAY Music : 46=13

 h/t Irish

I hereby overlook the lifetime ban on Rap on this blog.

OMFG! This. Is. Epic!!!

I would put a Mr. Fusion nuclear reactor in my car and a 500-gallon gas tank just to pump this out with a 1000W filling-vibrating amp, and drive slowly around the Ellipse in DC for a week at 5 MPH with all the windows down.

Then sell a kidney, and hire the Goodyear blimp to overfly the World Series pumping this out during commercial breaks.


  1. And a wicked mullet to go with the truth bombs.

  2. 2 thumbs up!!

    First rap song I could ever understand what was being said, never mind that I agree with every word!

  3. Check out Tom MacDonald. Same vein as this guy, just way more ink

  4. Now that was Gold. 100% truth, straight down the line. Maybe the only Rap music ever worth listening to.

  5. Samson also did a rap about the Jan. 6th fedsurrection. I think its called the sixth sense. Check it out when you have a couple minutes.

  6. Fantastic. Thanks for posting.

  7. Truth but C-rap is not music and I like music.

  8. Also check out his "what about us" song/video.

  9. This one post has caused me to subscribe to Samson! The comment-sections on U-Tube are full of positive reactions from actual rap-fans.
