Monday, July 4, 2022




  1. One of those will turn a mail box inside out. (Or so I've been told. Besides, the statute of limitations has run out.)

  2. Speaking of Explosions?

    Have you seen the Netherlands Farmers' Protests?

    The EU passed new Climate Change "Nitrogen" Rules. The government admits the rules will put about 30% of their farmers out of business (at first). The farmers are blockading roads, protesting, and even chasing off the police. Netherlands Fishermen are joining in, knowing they will also be decimated by the same EU Climate Change Rules.

    It is not getting much "Mainstream" news coverage.


  3. Boom!

    Can't tell if the owl dove into the tree to hide or to get a better view.

  4. Mister M-80 has not been my friend in this century. Missus nannygoat-state, I believe, closed the market window for me long ago. Ugh.

  5. Early physics lesson with memorable impact.
    Mr. M80 1
    Jr. High bathroom toilet. 0

  6. Brought to you by guys named "Lefty".

  7. Maybe banning M80s had the Darwinian benefit of reducing mangled digits at the expense of burning down apartment complexes, fire retardant upholstery and linens ensures this one gets to reproduce…

  8. And likewise, the Left should remember that . . .

  9. My parents had a 3/4 acre pond in what would have been back yard. Long ago, I'd attach a rock as a weight and throw a lit M80 into the water, those green fuses were water resistant. It would make a muffled boom and hundreds of dead bull frog tadpoles would float to the surface, to be eaten by a variety of other animals.
