Thursday, June 16, 2022

Rules? There Are No Rules Here...

 h/t Kenny

Consequences are for after. In the moment, there are no rules. Survivors write the aftermath, and the history books will clean it up.


  1. Back when I was an active member of Uncle Sams Misguided Children, the rule of engagement were "kill our enemies and break all their shit", then just leave. Today it seems to be build them a better life as long as you don't offend anyone. WTF is that?

  2. I would think part of that is the places we fight.

    Very honor culture, you pay for what you broke or we have blood feud tribal kinda thing. We'd have been better off just paying off the tribal chieftain/warlord, and let them decide who gets in on the grift.

  3. Unknown has it right about Afghanistan. We should have left Afghanistan to the Special Forces and let them recruit/buy/equip the tribal militias to fight, backed up by USAF and Naval Aviation. We never should have let big military into Afghanistan.

    The main goal was to kill Al Qaeda, both the believers and the Organization. The secondary goal was to topple the Taliban. Except Pashtun are the plurality, and near majority of Afghanistan, then when you add in the Pakistan Ungoverned NW Territories, Pashtun are a Majority. Who are the Taliban? Pashtun. Who are the Pashtun? Taliban. Until you change that dynamic, Taliban will rule Shithole Afghanistan and Shithole Ungovernable NW Pakistan.

    What changed after 20+ years of US Big Military and Big Government in Afghanistan? Taliban run ALL of it, they even overran the holdout territories of the Northern Alliance. Al Qaeda is back, and ISIS as a foothold too. NW Pakistan is still an ungovernable mess.


  4. You may mean a "dis-honor" culture, as in most US cities. You break everything, then give the grift to the next in line, or to the oldest surviving son. Then iit is all "honorable" and propery understood.

    Cute meme never the less.

  5. It's amazing, in every history book it seems like . . . the good guys always win!

    Violence solves everything. Oddly, the most virtuous societies can often unleash the best violence. Perhaps a post sometime . . .
