Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Just Another Day In Chiquitastan


If TPTB are going to prop up this glistening turd and fraudulent pretender for another two and a half years, they're going to need to buy him an airplane that can land on its belly, and drop a handicapped ramp with foam rubber lining, so he can get into the plane without doing a faceplant every two minutes.

If it were up to me, I'd hire commercial tuna fisherman to snag and yank him from the ground with stout poles, and gaff hook him into the hatch, but I'm sentimental like that.

Someone suggested a body harness and a winch, but the WH staff were concerned about squeezing all the stored up pudding out of his Depends on national TV.


  1. Does make one wonder who is on the "ruling" committee. Somebody is loading the teleprompter and composing the Executive Orders. I doubt that this stumble bum knows what he had for lunch.

  2. Who was the previous master of this technique? Was it Präsident Ford?

    1. Gerald Ford had a legitimate injury. The press made hay of that all the while using his injury as metaphor of his ability as president.

      Changes in elevation, which stairs, ladders, curbs, and ramps facilitate, are inherently dangerous. The risk is increased by a host of factors and combinations thereof
      (Think snaggy carpet and grabby shoe soles.)

      Generally, an old man falling on stairs is a cause for concern. Yet when that geriatric gelatinous pus is ruining your country (his status as puppet, notwithstanding), it is cause of celebration when the fool takes a header.

  3. Indeed. Who are the puppeteers? How much longer can this go on? We're seeing more evidence every week (if such were needed by sentient people) that this occupation of the executive was perpetrated fraudulently. I'd like to avoid watering the tree with too much Patriot blood; a good quantity ratio would be , oh 100 tyrants to 1 or so Patriots but it's looking like that will need to happen soon.
    Boat Guy

  4. What's the over/under on the date they install a geezer chair lift up to the airplane?

  5. I would hardly compare President Ford, who was a star athlete of a two_time national champion Michigan Wolverine football team and had a bad knee, with this bumbling, Adderral-infused, sh!t for brains who shuffles across the White House lawn with a six-inch stride, carefully holding his repulsive wife’s hand as a crutch. Ford stumbled one time on airplane stairs and was roasted by Saturday Night Live and every other two-bit comedy outfit. This Depends wearing Silver alert subject falls all over the place, craps and farts in public, and you can’t find a mainstream comedian who will touch it. Absolute disgrace.

  6. Maybe they could get Chevy Chase to stand in for him?

  7. I hope he breaks his neck one of these times.
