Sunday, May 1, 2022

Sunday Music: On The Border


This Al Stewart selection courtesy of a mention a few years back by long-time commenter RandyGC. Before then I'd never heard it, but through the magic of YouTube, you never miss anything, even if you tune in to 1976 more than forty years late.


  1. That whole album takes me back - so many strangely evocative songs, each with its own story to tell.

  2. Year of the Cat had several good songs including this one. His masterpiece was Past Present and Future earlier in the decade which had a song about each decade of the Twentieth Century up to the Seventies and a song about Nostradamus the live version of which was over 13 minutes long. I've been a fan for awhile.

  3. This has been one of my favorites songs since it came out. Wonderful song. Read the lyrics - foretelling changes - very prescient.

    Thanks for mentioning this song, Aesop.

  4. I saw them in a tiny movie theatre in Austin, TX in the late 1970s. This music was made to be played in a small place.

  5. Better late than never, Aesop.
    I presume that you've heard Stewart's "Roads to Moscow"?
    -Tennessee Budd

  6. I hadn't seen that video version before thanks!

    Glad I could point you to some New Old Stock.

    Speaking of which, have you heard his Road to Moscow?

  7. From the same era, The Coldest Winter in Memory...haunting. The guy is brilliant, too bad the genre is out of favor.
