Tuesday, May 3, 2022

In Case You Were Wondering


Obstruction Of Justice

18 U.S. Code §1503:

Whoever corruptly...endeavors to influence, intimidate, or impede any ... officer in or of any court of the United States ... in the discharge of his duty, or ... corruptly ... influences, obstructs, or impedes, or endeavors to influence, obstruct, or impede, the due administration of justice, shall be punished as provided in subsection (b).
(b)The punishment for an offense under this section is—
in any other case, imprisonment for not more than 10 years, a fine under this title, or both.

In short, whoever leaked the draft memo from SCOTUS is looking at the ass end of a dime of federal hard time. 

Nota bene that there's no First Amendment carve-out for conspiracy, and any reporter or paper who fails to identify the leaker is subject to contempt of court charges, and indefinite time in federal prison, until they reveal their source.

This is one of those cases where that should include "for the rest of their natural life, or until they cough up the information, whichever comes first."

Life is a long time to be Bubba's new girlfriend.

Somebody's looking at hard time over this, and if the FBI doesn't get their man, federal marshals may be conga-lining reporters and editors into contempt hearings by the busload.

And God help them if it's a sitting justice on SCOTUS.

Failure to go after this: more proof you're now living in WROL times.


  1. Sir,

    A hideous thought: what if this was intentional in order to draw our attention away from whatever they are going to pull later this year? (in other words: "look ! squirrel")

  2. I don't think you distract people from the bonfire of civilization by throwing a gasoline-soaked log on that fire.

  3. ANON may be exactly right but for any action to be taken we must rely on Federal agents doing their jobs. Considering their track records of the last few years, is this a reasonable expectation to have?

  4. I hope you are right Aesop but my fear is that this was done on purpose and by design to allow for a lot of agitators to work on swaying the Court.


  5. It was an act of desperation fueled by ignorance. Whoever it is should be hanged for treason; regardless of their position.

  6. Never gonna happen. They will be treated as heroes by the commies and media.

    This is nothing but another shiny little ball to entertain the sheeple so they dont see what else is going on.

    This country has about 5 months left if the polls on the upcoming election are actually true. It would be extremely difficult to generate enough fraudulant votes to steal another one to cover those numbers, so the commies will stage/manufacture a crisis like no other. Funny how we keep hearing about cyber attacks from pols and the media, of course no one but the evil Russians would do that.

  7. I think this is someone trying to create riots and cause chaos before an election.


  8. What makes you think Federal law enforcement will be allowed to do their jobs in regards to this? There are still people in prison without trial for J6, but the LEO that beat a woman to death on bodycam hasn't been arrested. We're just living in clown world now. I have zero faith anyone will ever get in serious trouble like they should.

  9. Yeah they will go to jail along with all the other criminals in DC.🤣not gonna happen. Maybe get their license taken then they will write a book nobody will read, go on the talk circuit get a job with MSNBC and be very rich in a years time.

    BILL said that.

  10. Sounds like Antifa (or their heirs) are going around threatening violence against SCOTUS if there is a ruling against Roe.

    Wonder if that qualifies as...dare I say it...insurrection?

  11. I doubt that a law.clerk would have leaked it without at least tacit approval of.whatever Justice they work for. (Cough cough Sotomayr cough).

  12. Seems like the pretext to launch pre-organized demonstrators in order to bully the SC.

  13. If it’s a democrat they’ll get slapped on the wrist and told to never do that again.

  14. What if this was a:

    1. Communist justice or fellow-traveler? Answer: Nothing will happen because no one will be allowed to know.

    2. A way to plant "evidence" that the leaker was a non-commie (Alito, Thomas, etc) to force resignation or impeachment so as to obtain another SCOTUS seat.

    Yeah, I know, tin-foil hats get hot in the summer...

  15. The items of "evidence you're living in WROL times" have been accumulating lately, haven't they?
    Boat Guy

  16. At this point, we gotta stop thinking that the incompetence of the Democrats and the Left is due to some sinister plan, and realize it's just because they are actually that incompetent.

  17. Michael in nowherelandMay 3, 2022 at 7:49 PM

    Sadly no one will go to jail

  18. I'm more than 1/2 way convinced that the "Wise Latina" was directly responsible for this; I'm also more than 1/2 way convinced that she will pressure the shlub did her dirty work to take the fall for her.
    No matter - yes, the one with the trail to them should be in jail for a LONG time, as well as any media person who tries to cover for them. If nothing else, that should make their toadies pause on acquiescing to their more nefarious and insane schemes.

  19. I'm betting that they're sentenced to be on MSNBC, which is a little like being in Hell, but no one notices.

  20. Aesop, the Court has a very narrow window of time - which may have already passed - to deal with this. After that, there is no going back. The Court just becomes one more compromised institution. The leaks will be more frequent after that.

  21. My money says “nothing to see here folks, just move along” . When was the last time a libtard was held accountable for anything.
    No jail time just take your $200 and pass go.

  22. Unless your intention is to promote the bonfire of the Western Civilization that the Prog / communists hate. Then putting gasoline on a forest fire makes sense. The Progs have been losing, and tge current wars and the coming famines / hunger dricen invasions will not serve to hide tge 2022 and 2024 election thefts, nor will they cow the small "c" conservatives. Therefore, they need a "cause" that will allow them to invade the whitebread suburbs and put them to the torch.
    There _might_ be consequences to such actions. :-)
    John in Indy

  23. This "leak" serves the agenda of the criminals in power and the desires of the commies running the JustUs Department. Therefore nobody involved need fear any consequences save perhaps a paid for vacation and a nice fat bonus check.

  24. All planned. See protesters gathering at scotus hours after the news broke. Pay attention scotus leader said a decision has not been made. So wailing and gnashing of teeth until status quo is the decision so the other side, well possibly.

    The wailing and gnashing of teeth will be good entertainment until then, then I don't care. In clown world some people don't know they're the clown.

  25. a sitting justice on SCOTUS......Sotomayer
