Thursday, April 14, 2022

Special Underwater Operation Underway


(BLACK SEA) In what Russian military spokesholes would certainly describe as a "special underwater deployment", the Russian guided missile cruiser Moskva, flagship of the Black Sea Fleet, and one of the largest ships in the Russian Navy, had a fire in one of its ammunition storage bays, exploded, and reportedly sank off the coast of Ukraine.

Per Russia, all hands (500 or so) managed to miraculously escape the flaming coffin, with no loss of life.

Ukraine, meanwhile, which has no navy, reports that they fired two home-developed Neptune anti-ship missiles at Moskva shortly before its new underwater deployment, which may have had a wee bit to do with its subsequent explosion, and new permanent duty station, several hundred meters below the surface of the Black Sea.

So apparently, during all that "winning" the Russians were doing when they were shelling defenseless civilians and their cities into rubble, nobody on the Russian staff thought that taking out Ukraine's anti-shipping missiles with airstrikes was a good idea. Or more likely, they simply couldn't function at that level of competence. Yet again, oversights like that underlines the Turd World-amateur status of the entire Russian military machine.

Remember this level of Baghdad Bob silliness from Russian spokesholes the next time they withdraw half their army and march home with their tails between their legs, after declaring "we meant to not capture the capitol of Ukraine despite 40 days of trying with over 100,000 90,000 troops, and almost no one has died in this operation".

Putin fanboys will be dismayed to learn that the Russians have admitted that the cruiser Moskva has, in fact, been completely abandoned after the fire and explosions.

Dear Russian squids: Welcome to the major league.

So you can either believe the Russian navy is so spontaneously stupid and incompetent that they managed to set fire to their own ship's onboard ammunition and sunk it; or you can conclude that they couldn't defend their flagship from two incoming Ukrainian missiles. Dealer's choice.

Maybe it was just pining for the fjords.


It sunk. Like we told you.

Russian state news agency TASS reported Thursday evening that the guided-missile cruiser Moskva had sunk, citing a statement from the Russian Ministry of Defense.

“During the towing of the cruiser Moskva to the port of destination, the ship lost its stability due to hull damage received during a fire from the detonation of ammunition. In the conditions of stormy seas, the ship sank,” the statement said, according to TASS.

If anyone out there is finding it hard to speak intelligently, maybe remove Putin's genitals from your mouth. For a start. Then pull your heads out, and remove the clown shoes and parti-colored bejingled fool's cap. Unless you were going for comedy relief from the get-go.


  1. Maybe you should wait 48 hours for a better view of this Ukie "Victory". Might even be more enjoyable :-)

    Meanwhile the Ukrainians are drafting 13 to 70 year old males into their volkswaffen. Clearly a sign of patriotism and success in every battlefield endeavor, yes?

    Meanwhile while you're cheering on your Military Basketball Team think about that last Gas Fill Up you did to go to work for that OT. Is California still the "Winner" in highest Gasoline Prices?

    Gabbling Nuisance still running your state in to a ditch?

    Bloomberg News has announced that the average US family of four will need an extra
    $5,200 per year to cover rising expenses due to inflation. Hmmm. How is that going to work out for most folks considering that 64% of Americans, as of early March 2022, are already living paycheck to paycheck? Where are they going to come up with a minimum of an extra $433 each month?

    But hey! It's WORTH IT for Ukie Victory and protecting the Bug Guy's 10% eh?

    Remember that popular sticker of Biden pointing and saying "I did that".

    Yes, he did get us tied up into the Ukrainian situation. And the Energy problems AND the Fertilizer Problems AND the Food Prices and soon shortages. Or rather his handlers ALL honest and Patriotic Socialists, err Democrats (but I repeat myself).

    OS, Other that That Aesop, How did you enjoy the play?

  2. Well, not the first time the Ukrainians told the Moskva to "Idi na khui!" This time, they made it stick . . .

    . . . IIRC all of Ivan's big surface combatants, Moskva included, were originally built in Ukraine because the Nikolayev shipyard was the only one big enough to do the job. Then the USSR broke up and the Russian successor state hasn't really been able to properly maintain the big ships. I don't think they've built anything bigger than a destroyer or SSBN since.

    Russia did have a floating drydock in Murmansk they used for Kuznetzov and the Kirov battlecruisers, but it caught fire and sank a couple of years ago. Somehow I don't think the Ukrainians are going to be interested in repairing the Moskva, and I don't think the Turks are going to be willing to open the Bosphorous to let Russia send it home.

    Assuming he's (Russians use the masculine pronoun for their ships) still afloat, of course.

    --Wes S.
    --Who is rather black-pilled about the whole Ukraine War, but still finds the Moskva strike warms the cockles of his little black heart. "Idi na khui!" indeed.

  3. I had never heard of this missile so I looked it up.,design%20bureau.%20It%20uses%20R-360%20anti-ship%20cruise%20missile.

    Turns oit it had lots of issues in design and testing and construction just started last year on the first 18, which are supposed to be delivered late 2022. I guess they got done early or its a pair of the testing ones. They are supposed to be really slow and easily shot down....


  4. When has the Russian Navy not been pants on head retarded?

    1. My thoughts too. They have a long history of sinking their own ships, most recently but not most deadly the Kursk.
      The Novorossiysk sank in almost the same place in 1955 in what would have been a comedy of errors by conflicting management if not for the 600+ deaths they caused - the Russian Navy's worst peacetime disaster ever.
      If you look more, the list gets longer.

  5. SLAM-ER from a P-8 70 km away near Romanian coast? ASW guys love submarines.

  6. To be fair, the Russians DO have a history of sinking themselves. The Kursk is just the most recent example.
    But I agree - another episode that shows how hollowed out the Russian military is. At this point it would have been much better for Russia to only rattle sabers than try to use them!

  7. "The United States said it did not have enough information to determine whether the ship was hit by a missile"

    Looks like the Ghost of Keev and her pickle jar struck again.

  8. I'll wait for more information before I decide incompetence vs Ukrainian missiles.

    I remember when the main weapons storage depot of the North Fleet at Severomorsk went up in 1984 without any kinetic assistance from the outside.

    And of course it could be both: Ukrainian missiles combined with incompetence the prevented them from being intercepted. I wonder if the levels of training for combat operations and, say, damage control in the Russian navy are on par with the Russian army.

    Incompetence in leadership. I would be interested, for instance, to see how many, if any, escorts such as destroyers (i.e. missile sponges) they had out with their flagship.

  9. thought you would find this interesting, related to the state of Russian/Ukraine military status

  10. Mmmm. Uh huh.

    And according to the Pentagon, the Moskva is under it's own power and heading back to port.

    Funny... I seem to recall an incident where two US Navy lesbian officers decided to drag race their destroyers and put them both out of commission. Care to comment on that, General Aesop?

  11. Well we've got billions sunk (ha ha) in some big fat ocean going targets and the next Pearl Harbor won't happen in just one place. The offense is way ahead of the defense on this one.

  12. Ukraine has/had a Navy. Russia sank or captured much of it. The US aid package includes coastal patrol vessels.

    Some of the defenders still holding out in Mariopul include Ukrainian Marines.

  13. @Michael,
    Once again, own goal: Russia doesn't know if their own ships are functional, or D.O.A.?
    Truly the superior force here.

    As for the rest of your rantation:
    1) Heard about the Uke draft. They don't have to be winning; just not losing. Russia started out with an army advantage of 5:1, and invaded at 2:1. On 6 axes, with no coordination among themselves, or with other arms. Notably, Ukraine hasn't retreated to Poland to regroup and get their shit in one bag. Combat is the ultimate zero-sum game. If someone is retreating and regrouping, they're not the ones "winning". From Xerxes to yesterday. QED

    2) Of course Gabbin' Nuisance is running this state into the ground, he's a Dumbocrat, and Pelosi's nephew. It's what they do. So...?

    3) Inflation was coming without any help from a very small war, 4000 miles away. That's why Poopypants' handlers did everything in their feckless power to egg it on. We've covered this about a dozen times, in depth. Keep up.

    4) Biden's 10% was the previous two or three governments of Ukraine, and the corruptocrats involved. You could look it up. Why do you think the current government there (the one low-information 'tards and internet oiks keep trying to link to Poopypants, not realizing that was the guys Zelenskyy replaced), not playing ball with the Big Guy, got thrown under the bus? Let us know when that penny drops for you.

    None of this, btw, makes Putin any sort of good guy. He's a lifelong KGB shithead since ever, his entire adult life. In a just universe, he'd have been strung up for crimes against humanity in 1989, by the German people. I'd cheer him falling on his face and fracturing his skull from slipping on a banana peel, even if I didn't like the policies of the United Fruit Company. A murderous dictatorial thug is always a murderous dictatorial thug. I get if that's fine with you and others, but I have higher standards.

    I'm liking the play just fine. Every day Russian troops are getting killed, it's a great day for the world. When they're too weak to menace anyone more than 20 miles from Moscow, it will be a good start. They've decided to try Afghanistan II, right on their own border, and they're cutting from December of '79 to February of '89, right out of the gate. And they've made their former vassal neighbors into lifelong blood enemies, while alienating most of the world, and making it blisteringly clear who the real fucktard states are. Switzerland, Sweden, Finland and Japan, traditionally the weak sister neutrals among the nations of the world, have even picked a side here. Go, Team Fucktard! Run off that cliff! MOAR! Harder! Faster!

    The biggest problem is, and remains, the doddering illegitimacy fraudulently installed in power here, and the 57 ways to fuck this up, which geopolitical landmines they're swerving towards like a blindfolded drunken sailor driving a stolen bus.


  14. The biggest problem is, and remains, the doddering illegitimacy fraudulently installed in power here, and the 57 ways to fuck this up, which geopolitical landmines they're swerving towards like a blindfolded drunken sailor driving a stolen bus.

    Exactly my point.

    We are going to take a real beating from this foolishment.

    Russia waited until such shit poor "leadership" was established BY the Chinese. The Chinese are egging this proxy war on sitting mostly on the sidelines smiling.

    When America and Russia are both crippled up its Game Time for the Chinese.

    Famine War coming soon to a burnt-out grocery store near you.

    I hope since you don't have Camp Snoopy you have more than one "solid" linkup and supplies ready for the sporty times coming to America when the Famine Wars hit the EBT crowd.

    You and I will soon find out just how solid our friendships are as the light go out.

  15. Brave Russian warship promote to submarine! Use creative reef maskirovka.

  16. John, I wonder what the pundits of the Imperial Japanese Navy said about the flaming mess of Pearl Harbor?

    To paraphrase Aesop, "How'd that work out"?

    To "Win" a War it helps if you still have a functional country afterwards. Seems again to paraphrase Aesop "Our OWN GOALS" might be helping the enemy "win" the economic war.

    Follow the money, who is really gaining from this Proxy War between two of China's greatest threats?

    The cost of a F16 (since I cannot find the cost of a Chinese Fighter) is around 12-80 million (before Bidens inflation Cough) Nancy Pelosi's net worth on a 120,000 annual income is around 140 million.

    How many Nancy Pelosi's can China buy INSTEAD of losing a few Fighter jets?

    Let alone an aircraft carrier and such.

    As Aesop rightly pointed out China has LOST many wars so MAYBE they figure it's CHEAPER to BUY a few American Politicians and lets "YOU and HIM Fight"?

  17. Who ever sent those missiles, they should have been stopped by the close-in defense systems. 6X 30 mm gatlings reinforced with missiles, as I recall. There was a story, Aussie press maybe, that the Russians were distracted by drones over the Crimea. I thought that the close-in systems were independent of the big stuff. Either somebody screwed up big time, or the defensive systems really suck. Maybe "they" waited until the close-in systems were turned off due to local air traffic. Whether a Harpoon from a P-8 or a Ukrainian "Harpoonski" from a truck, ancient subsonic missiles should never have made it in. Something is going on. Tactics or technology. It is not a good time to be a Russian sailor.
