Friday, April 8, 2022

Milius FTW

 h/t Miguel

"Tell them Sector 9 is active."


  1. Red Dawn showing the defeat of Red Army by American Teens less impressive now.

  2. More good imaginative Ukrainian Propaganda. They are playing to the US and English speaking world with the "Wolverines" meme, knowing it will go viral in parts of the US.

    The UKR also seem to be doing OK, with the Russians facing Kiev, Chernihiv, and Sumy running back to sanctuary in Belarus. They know UKR will not violate the Belarus borders as that may trigger the Belorussian Army attacking Ukraine. UKR does not need to fight any more enemies if they can at all avoid it. That also includes the Russian military in Transnistra Moldava.

  3. "Wolverines" looks to be burned out in the rear. Not doing so good except at blocking a lane of the road.

  4. As a general principle, I am all in for killing Russians. They are a people with a dismal history of violence and oppression from the Middle Ages to current times. They are sheep who always seem to find a strong man to tell them what to do, whether it is the Czar, Lenin, Stalin, or Putin.

    In WWII, the brutality of the Soviet Army was exceeded by the German Army, if it in fact was. Russians seem to believe that wearing a uniform is a license to rape. At least that's the way it has always been.
