Sunday, April 24, 2022

Biden Math

 h/t 90 miles


  1. With any luck, I may, just may, get a 3% "cost of living" raise at work for the next two years starting in August. Why do I think I am falling behind, I wonder?

    A thousand dollars to fill my heating oil tank and a few dollars shy of a C-note to fill my Jeep these days seems to be more than a 3% difference. It must be Trump's fault, or Putin's or the two of them working together, I guess.

  2. Biden Math is it a sign or symptom Aesop?

    Our Corrupt Chinese owned Politicians have been systematically destroying our Republic.

    Shutting down oil production, paying farmers not to farm and now this from Zero Hedge.


    Why Gavin Newsom Is Creating A Water & Energy Disaster

    The result of Newsom’s leadership failures could be catastrophic. California is the fifth largest producer of food in the world. We are the largest producer of dairy and food in the U.S. Over a third of America’s vegetables and two-thirds of its fruits and nuts are grown here.

    In truth, Newsom is starving California of both water and energy. We are in the worst energy crisis in 50 years and yet Newsom is planning to shut down the largest single source of energy in California, Diablo Canyon nuclear plant. Meanwhile, he has failed to build a single new large water project, despite the fact that California voters in 2014 passed a $2.7 billion water bond to pay for them.

    Can’t water conservation save us? It can’t. Newsom declared a drought emergency last year and urged residents to reduce our water use by 15%. We only did so by 6%. It’s true that mandatory restrictions between June 2015 and April 2016 reduced water use by 25%. But the state was ultimately rescued in 2017 by large atmospheric river storms, not conservation.

    And producing food requires water. Already the world faces terrible famines because of an energy crisis created in part by pro-scarcity environmentalists. Now, Newsom’s actions, and inaction, are making scarcity worse.

    Why is Newsom talking out of both sides of his mouth? Because he cares more about running for president than he does about the people of California. And he believes that running for president requires the support of pro-scarcity environmentalists like Sierra Club and Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), and their financial backers.

    Much more worth a read.

    Mentioned in the article is a link to Doomberg about serious water issues from the Colorado River. No water, no food, no hydroelectric power, and so on.

    My concerns about the Chinese Famine Wars seems more likely as I review Ag data from many sources (Bloomberg, Barrons and others).

    We can indeed see real hunger in America before Thanksgiving. Putin and Xi need only to survive our Proxy War (Intended in my opinion to boost the Wartime Leader of the Sockpuppet) until the ever volatile EBT folks get serious about burning down our cities and as Trucking and our GRID goes through those cities ALL of us will see the results.

  3. That kind of destruction is what Gabbin' Nuisance does. He's a four-star @$$hole and a five-star idiot, with a mid-80s IQ on his best day.


    The first third of the article is about a parking ticket, but the rest goes into depth about the New Mexico OSHA finding. TLDR-- Production fined the max, Baldwin not responsible as actor or producer.


  5. Welcome to the beginning of the end of the dollar . . .

  6. @Nick,

    Yup. Almost like I knew what I was talking about, right?
    I'm still astonished that the D.A. didn't prosecute PropTart for the actual criminal negligence. I don't know what the statute of limitations is, but it boggles the mind that she could break 90% of the actual published safety rules for on-set gun-handling, over multiple incidents, get someone killed, and another person shot and injured, yet still not get prosecuted.

  7. Aesop you recognize the problem "That kind of destruction is what Gabbin' Nuisance does. He's a four-star @$$hole and a five-star idiot, with a mid-80s IQ on his best day."

    Yet these folks are IN POWER doing serious damage to our Republic both openly and behind closed doors.

    If you lived next to a known arsonist, would you stay "in your lane", let the authorities handle it and cheer the military basketball game or what?

    Putin didn't lock down America, Putin didn't send our jobs and industry overseas, Putin didn't force so many "Free Men and Women" to put an Emergency Use Only unknown cocktail that YOU Aesop was able to Refuse because you were so hard to Replace.

    Will be harder to refuse watching the price of everything (gasoline, Food etc.) and its availability to be purchased.

    Today's Western Rifle Shooters has some interesting articles Prepping the Mind, When (IF) Lions Roar and Michael Yon's Long Pig Chinese recipe suggestions.

    Chatting about such things on an open internet is foolish, but it seems that that movie "Wag the Dog" is the current Roman circus, and the bread might be ready to run out.

    Food, safe water and trusted friends.

  8. I'm by no means a greenie, hippie commie puke, but I was nervous living down that way when they started building a nuclear power plant right next to an earthquake fault. If that isn't bad enough, the idiots at PG&E run it. Hello? What am I missing here? Although, I'm okay with a catastrophic failure if all the radiation settles on Las Vegas. Full of immigrant Cali's going balls to wall ruining a once great state ( born and raised in Cali, was smart enough to escape long ago ).

    1. There are few places in CA 'not near' an earthquake fault. Literally.

      What you're missing, James, is little faults do not produce large quakes. The fault near Diablo Canyon is several miles west into the ocean and is small. Having been to the seismic records at Cal Tech and having lived within zone I (one) surrounding Diablo Canyon, not to mention half a decade of academic study of local geology,I can say the 'nearby' fault cannot produce as much damage as the professional doomsayers, like the homegrown loudmouths Mothers For Peace.

  9. The problem with that is assuming they know where all the faults are, and how big they are, which works - until it doesn't. Surprise Day is never as fun as it sounds on paper.
