Saturday, March 19, 2022

What YOU'RE Not Looking At When You Think You're Being Smart


Herschel on undercurrents.


Then read the linksAll of them.


Money quotes:

Your rulers have sold you down the river, boy.  Sold you down the river, boy.  Sold you down the river.
This war is being fought over energy, no matter what the other pretexts are.
Electricity is going to get a lot more expensive.  A lot.  Prepare now, and blame your rulers.

And if this applies: 

Get Putin's junk out of your mouth. 

He's not your savior either, and never was.

Hershel's comments, and David Codrea's , on why you should be cheering Ukraine on for 2A grounds alone, are something a lot of the louder commenters should have known without being dragged to it, kicking and screaming.

There will be a pop quiz on that material presently. Grading will be pass/fail.


  1. You have a valid point about the Russian military:

  2. The Putin is savior of Christianity crowd and others on the right who should know better are doubling down on stupid. I still watch Tucker but now with a very skeptical eye. Can't he just say boy was I wrong? A Putin apologist who was allowed to infect the comment section at Neo's place for years, Yamasakar, is now all over Insti's. His latest is that because Putin praised Solzhenitsyn he's a freedom lover. Putin praised Ayn Rand so does mean he's an arch capitalist? Give me a break.

  3. I've found that one of the best sites for analysis is Wretchard the Cat:

    Despite what some self-inflated cosmic clowns think of him, I think that Mr. Fernandez has been pretty accurate WRT the conflict. One of these clowns, living as an ex-pat in Italy, is convinced that Vlad Puta is some kind of Sooper-Dooper Genius. This guy needs to stick with publishing low quality comics, IMHO.

    I will say that I am less worried about a bout of canned sunshine than I was at the outset of the conflict a few weeks ago.

  4. Aesop, your links to Hershel's blog need your attention.


    1. is back up:
      Conservative Sympathy for Russia in Ukraine War an Exercise in Cognitive Dissonance
      By David Codrea

  5. Gah.
    Serves me right for multitasking.

  6. Why do we have to choose a side? If it was up to me we’d own Iraq and Afghanistan but you can’t do that running things with rainbow hair and muh diversity wokeness. I could care less about Ukraine or Russia. We have way more evil at home in the trenches.

  7. The Volksdeutcher Expat is the equivalent of the fat dude at the gun shop wearing a Confederate battle flag t-shirt and loudly ranting about minorities and Joooo conspiracies.

    He's technically on "our side", and it would be better if he wasn't.

  8. @Anon 5:47P

    You don't have to choose a side.
    You're already on one.
    You're not a billionaire, or a vote in Congress, so pretty much all you get is a very tiny voice.

    Mind your own business all you like, and hopefully nobody starts trading nukes while you're busy ignoring things.

    That's the beauty of a nominally free country.

  9. > One of these clowns, living as an ex-pat in Italy,

    Switzerland. He has a thread on Kiwifarms where they doxed him. The photographic proof is in the last 20 pages or so - maybe the last dozen. They haven't paid much attention to him since google banned him.

    It's the photo collage with the logo "White women and dogs: Just Say No"
