Sunday, March 6, 2022

Sunday Music: My Old School - Leonid & Friends


Letter-perfect cover (maybe even better than the original) of Steely Dan by Leonid & Friends.

The band is Russian.

The guy in the Cubs jersey in that vid is backing vocalist Serge Tiagnyriando. He's Ukrainian, and currently in Kyiv. With all that entails at the moment.

Leonid and the band had a few thoughts about that situation on their YouTube page last week.

In case you thought they just covered rock music.

Reading stuff like this makes it obvious that the wrong people are in charge of things. Like always.

Here's one for Serge. This was the last music video the group uploaded on Feb. 19, five days before the war started.

Countries go to war. Their people just suffer. 

And a small reminder: Sundays are always a good day for prayers. Just saying.


  1. Man that brought back memories. My oldest brother went off to college, he had the Aja album and sometimes I would sit there in the late evening dark looking out my window with it playing on the record player. I saw where they put Spinning Wheel back on their page. Will go listen after posting this.

    I will pray the cooler heads prevail and the peace brakes out over there. I hate our warmongering government types. Especially the corrupted criminal types but I repeat myself. There is a special place in hell for those sociopathic subhumans.

  2. Most excellent choice Aesop. Thank you for sharing. And yes...many prayers lifted today...for all my fellow man.

  3. Their version of 25 or 6 to 4 is better than Chicago's.

    War is hell.

    1. I think I read that someone from Chicago said that they sounded more like Chicago than Chicago did.

  4. Ah yes, Leonid and Friends with Ksenia Buzina, who speaks about six languages including Chinese. She is stunningly beautiful and talented, I hope that they will tour the US again.

  5. Looks like they are touring here in the USA -- I wonder if they will be cancelled because they are associated with Russia?

    I sure hope not.

  6. Oh man, they are awesome! Thanks for the introduction.

    Here's hoping they make it through the current shit storm safely and are able to get back to important things like there music.

  7. Found these guys during the beginning of Covid. Amazing. Their old guitarist Sergey was an amazing soloist, new guy seems solid too

  8. Saw them live back in 2019. Well worth it. They are an extremely talented band.
