Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Newsflash: GOP Still Thirsts For Death

In a purely symbolic gesture, with no chance of passage into law, or actually any bare chance of ever becoming so, Senate GOP members voted to actually respect the will of the people, by repealing Biden's over-reaching mandate to require all health care worker to get the Kung Flu Vaxx Jabs.

Drunktard Pelosi will sandbag it in oblivion, never to see a vote nor the light of day, and even after the Dems lose the House later this year (assuming the rigged voting systems don't find another 90M Dem voters at 4am the Wednesday morning after the polls close), Poopypants will simply veto the bill, thus giving the GOP enough boob bait to placate the kool-aid drinking bubbas until this November ("See what we did for you!"), while simultaneously telling Big Pharma "Just kidding! Now, where's my campaign fund check?", and contuning to lie out of both sides of their mouths while getting rich.

Final score:

Uniparty 1 

America 0

1 comment:

  1. Their favorite vote is one they can't win. See: Obamacare.
