Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Murphy's Laws Of Combat, #19



  1. I see so much conflicting info out there and seen a lot of our media re-using old footage that I have no faith in any of it. At this point it could be anything happening.


  2. Aesop, I found that stock photo, it's from Syria about 6 years ago.

    Also given your sense of humor you might appreciate the sudden Polish turn around after being badgered by Mr. Blinken the super genius, who kept telling the whole world the Polish are going to send planes after each Polish Denials.

    They sold them a few of their oldest Migs for a single euro each but they've already been stripped for spare parts for the rest of the Polish Airforce.

    No wonder they told Mr. Blinken that "Getting them to Ukraine was YOUR Problem".

  3. In Warsaw, they tell Blinken jokes.

    I'm surprised they didn't disassemble them, and truck them to the border, and let the Ukrainians pull them over with horse teams.

    There's a precedent for that.

  4. Also, the source of the photo is irrelevant, and was not billed by anyone as being from Ukraine.
    The meme is timeless, and has a rather piquant applicability to Putin right now.

    You might notice the subsequent post isn't from Ukraine either, and features Sean Bean as Boromir from Gondor, from back when Middle Earth also didn't have SS-18s.

    Imagine that.

  5. C'mon, gentlemen, 29 "airworthy" out of 44 is not so bad :)

    But here is an interesting bit, some of today's reactions of your government officials, in response to finally pressuring us to dismantle and give away nearly half of our air force (everyone talks about migs, but we still have about 20 sukhoys, as well):

    "We will continue to consult with Poland and our other NATO allies about this issue and the difficult logistical challenges it presents, but we do not believe Poland's proposal is a tenable one."

    "It is simply not clear to us that there is a substantive rationale for it."

    "To my knowledge, it wasn't pre-consulted with us that they planned to give these planes to us."

    "So I think that actually was a surprise move by the Poles."



  6. "we do not believe Poland's proposal is a tenable one."
    In politician speak, that means something like, well they didn't fall for being a co-belligerent opening themselves up for attack. It certainly is not tenable for US to become open for attack.

  7. @Kafiroon

    Spot on.
    Kamala today in Poland continued with the "we were not consulted" theme.

