Saturday, February 19, 2022

World's Best Granny Tramplers



  1. In a previous post, someone commented that the disabled woman died. That is not true, although horrible, just the same. She is okay, but has a separated shoulder, according to an update on CFP.

  2. From Michael Yon, who isn’t “taller” based on the clear effectiveness of demonstrating:

    “ Convoys, marches, rallies are a separate tactic from strikes, but all highly effective. Especially so when The Beast makes a cavalry charge into unarmed, peaceful people. In Canada the facade melted away from the beginning. Remember— “Four Dead in Ohio…”

  3. Keep or nuc as you wish.

  4. Saturday night. Today and all day, the globalists soulless thugs attacked protestors with batons, pepper-spray, tear-gas Did intimidation. Towed trucks. Arrested people. A repeat of yesterday minus the horses. They could all called-in sick but I guess these psychopaths enjoy threatening and hurting people.Installed yesterday 100 checkpoints to prevent supporters to come in. Everywhere cops questioning you. Mainstream medias keep on lying and denying the truth. Corrupt politicians laying low or as usual criticising protestors. Downtown is deserted except for protestors. Tonight after standing all day in windy frigid weather (now minus 24C = minus 11 F) warriors are still at it. Shouting freedom, singing, dancing, praying. "Racist fringe minority holding unacceptable views" May they give Castreau nightmares until real justice is done. The ironic thing is that protestors respected and backed cops before but I think that's over. It is for me. Now only contempt. For those wondering about the blue flags they're the Quebec flag representing mostly French-Canadians. Video shot from around 6pm to 8. Start watching around 08:00 or anytime after. Definitely skip from 50:00 to 1:15:00. After 1:15:00 are more crowds views. At 1HR 26 minutes the thugs reappear and shoot rubber bullets to a few and push people off the area.

  5. We are all The Jews now. Doesn't matter what color your star is; the Elites mean to murder ever single one of us. When I watched Rocky & Bullwinkle at 6+, I could've never imagined that Duddley Do Right was a killer and psychopath.

  6. The four Es: educators (pre*K-PhD), editors (TV, radio, newspapers), experts (Fauci, med Dr.s), elite (power & pols)

  7. She’s lucky she isn’t in the US. Some hero SWAT team/ alphabet agency sniper would have blown her head off.
