Friday, February 11, 2022

Vote Early, Vote Often

 h/t HWC


He's tanned, he's fit, he's rested.

Now, more than ever.


  1. Nope, nope, novelty nope...
    To quick and easy. I propose the following remedy:
    1. Amputate the hands and penis by ligature.
    2. Brand the word 'traitor' on their face with a soldering iron.
    3. Sentenced to bring publicly displayed in the stocks until the hands rot off sufficiently for the arms to removed WITHOUT opening the stocks.
    4. The Capital police responsible for January 6 deaths also get to watch ALL their family feed to fetal pigs or coyotes alive in a public venue.

  2. Feet first with a one minute stop at ankles, knees and just below the hips to enjoy the shriek.


  3. The Potomac (and Saint Lawrence) is there for a reason. Otherwise, the flies can get annoying during the apple blossom bloom. Sculpin and channel cats can stomach anything.

  4. Was "idahobob" too enthusiastic?
