Thursday, February 10, 2022


 h/t Vulgar Curmudgeon


  1. When I was a young lass, I delivered the Green Sheet and Daily News to my sector of the San Fernando Valley. Seemed like an important job then, as everyone took a newspaper, sometimes 2 when they included the LA Times. I can remember both parents perusing the headlines, and my dad treating the sports section as Wisdom on High. (He won a lot at his bookie.) As for me, getting a "paid" job and being able to whip up any school requirement on a moment's notice gave me both more money and more leverage. Fast forward to JOURNALists and the lying media; it was all downhill after 1974. I had loved getting newspapers as gifts when relatives or friends went to different sections of the country. You got the flavor of the area, a sense of what was happening in that part of the world. Now? It s all Pravda all the time. One "newspaper" reads the same as any other: AP and their ilk simply turned reporters into stenographers. I used to listen to the nightly news, then that became so insane I went to looking over the headlines. I gave that up until recently. Now I do read parts of Epoch News and read Micheal Yon and other blogs yet still seem to find out what I need to know. Sadly, no young teen will learn how to make a payday. have interaction with a customer, or bike around on a hot summer day.

  2. When you can't tell what's news, what's advertising and what's real it's time to turn off the tube, cancel the newspaper subscription and start looking elsewhere for info....with a very jaundiced view of everything.

  3. I quit watching TV shortly after returning from Bushdaddy's war. Don't have a TV set and no subscription to any streaming TV services. Cancelled my subscriptions to the local newspaper and The Wall Street Journal shortly after the start of Bushbaby's war.
    Get all my news & views from the Internet now; being forced to alt-media by the bigger buggers.
