Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Never Advertise Your Senility

 h/t CW @ Daily Timewaster


  1. Neil Young is simply taking a page to heart from the Biden playbook. Any bets that he will run for President on the Democrat Ticket in 2024? He'd be the perfect replacement for President Brandon.

  2. I hope Neil Young will remember,
    a Southern man don't need him around, anyhow.

  3. Greenwood’s inbred cousin

    Poster child for myocardial ischemia

  4. censorship is good according to the featured has been and he got his ass handed to him. will he learn the lesson of his irrelevance? i think not.

    he has shown his heart is evil and his mind even more evil. those with an evil nature can do no good, only evil.

  5. @McChuck,

    Northern men haven't got much use for him either.

  6. Neil Young is still alive? Guess so...relevant, not so much.

  7. As to the importance of Neil Young; Who the f**k is Niel Young? Why would I, or anyone else with a working brainium, give a fat rats ass? He's apparently got his panties in a wad, waa, waa, waa, dat mean guy said something I don't like, waa waa. Nobody gives a shit what you think, now shut the f*k up and go away. take your woke/antifa/blm gender confused, lgqptnbfgassfuks with you and go play in there sandbox, maybe you'll all get lucky and the cat will bury you.

  8. He should go back to Manitoba. Maybe he could get a job as a truck driver?

  9. I consider Neil Young to be a great contributor to Modern Music. Without his inspiration, we would not have Sweet Home Alabama!

  10. Although I loved Buffalo Springfield: Crosby, Stills,Nash, and Young; he is a whacko of the first order. He had 3 kids: 2 sons have cerebral palsy and the daughter is epileptic, so I think it is something in the genes. He has followed the same path as Mick Jagger-Old Rockers Syndrome. Jagger was all about the sex revolution, babies from within/without matrimony, and drugs galore. Yet he praised the National Health in England; until he needed a Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR) procedure. That was accomplished in New York, New York. And......he is definitely afraid of Covid. They are all the same.......I am the second coming of a Transcendent God........until I am not. Then, I play Clint Eastwood and scream "Got off my lawn!"
    Old Rockers Syndrome indeed.

  11. He looks . . . like a turtle. And The Mrs. has declared war on him, especially since YouTube copyright struck our podcast over that song as a background bed for a parody - utterly clear fair use.

    Whatever. He won't like being on The Mrs.' list. She holds a grudge.

  12. WEll, at least we can rally behind the Young backlash...He watches cnn, I bet...try to talk to a person who watches cnn...you will not be able to get through to them...I have tried...they run around screaming the sky is falling when it's really just them falling for the scam again...


  13. @John Wilder - "Free use" is in the eye of those with the power to enforce their will. In other words, there is no law, only Zuul.
