Monday, February 14, 2022

Dumber Than A Bag Of Hammers

h/t Miguel

I call it the Air Farce for cause, although it remains an honorable alternative to service in any actual military organization.

But until I saw this pic, I didn't realize they had opened the ranks to people with IQs below 50 for anyone below the rank of general.

Apparently, you get to be a Senior Airman these days if you don't wear your underpants outside your trousers, and don't put your shoes and socks on in that order. And I'm not that sure about the shoes and socks test, based on this pic.

I have it on good authority that the retarded kid from the Special Olympics "arguing on the internet" meme even facepalmed upon seeing this pic.

The only thought that cheers me up is that if the average IQ in the USAF is 100+, think of how many people (20-50 at minimum) they must have recruited with Einstein-level 210 IQs to balance out this total moron's negative GT score.


  1. And that's why God made breathing a reflex.

  2. To be fair, they are probably "just following orders." Ha.

  3. You know, as a military band, the gal pictured has to comply with uniform directives. I'm sure that this idiotic mask is such a directive imposed on her by her superiors in response to directives imposed by their superiors all the way up to the Potatohead in Chief. You want to hate on FJB (or whoever is running his admin) carry on. Hating on the lowly airman and calling her stupid for meeting uniform requirements that she has to follow on penalty of being disciplined is, well, pretty gay.

  4. Let's face it; either someone told the E-4 to wear that or she's pimping the mask people badly. I'll go with the former; Chair Force E-4's are not known for initiative (except in AFSOC). So some numbskull E-7/8/9 either made a "decision" OR said "Yessir!" when some O-3/4/5/6 told him/her to do it.
    Beyond this, words fail me
    Boat Guy

  5. No sale, guys.

    Anyone with so little self-respect as to beclown themselves publicly for a paycheck is a thorough-going idiot.

    Have some self-respect, and take the NJP or court martial.
    Anybody that would serially kiss a monkey's ass for a salary is a moron.
    Military included.

    Even Hollyweird figured this out in a little flick called The Boys In Company C. There are times when you tell command to "get fucked", and take the lumps.

    I realize that any military band is even less military than the rest of the Air Farce, but this takes jackassery to new depths.

    1. I am certain your counterpart looks upon that image and sees the ripe fruits of many years of conditioning. Reminds me of any well trained animal.
      This is a failure, but not for those we call enemy.


  6. If you lack the backbone to refuse something this stupid what else can they get you to do. You've got to draw the line somewhere, blind obedience and just following orders are how we got to this point.

  7. Remember, when push comes to shove, it will remember the tune to, " I vas onlee followink orders". It is a common little ditty that they all learn, the first day on the job. They were all humming it when they guarded Nancy's Palace during the coup.

  8. I am soooo glad I no longer serve in the AF.

    It's a good way to learn new skills if you get a good job that has applications outside of it. But these days, I'd say you're better off staying FAR, FAR away.

  9. ALWAYS remember that musicians are in the 'artist' spectrum. As such they are notorious for less than stellar intellectual capacity... As well as leftist and socialist tendencies.
    Consequently they are capable of incredible mental gymnastics to minimize their cognitive dissonance.
    I'm sure to her the hole on the mask makes perfect sense because her nose exhalations are captured. But ask her what part of the horn traps virus particles and her brain will go into circular logic mode. DO NOT DO THIS UNLESS YOU HAVE AN EXTREMELY HIGH TOLERANCE FOR STUPIDITY AND ASSHOLERY!!! Otherwise you'll wind up despising her as much as you despise Psircle back Psaki.

  10. We will be addressing this incident in greater depth later this morning.
    This is clearly only the tip of the ass-berg, and "I'm just an E-4 schmuck" cuts no ice.
    Even band weenies have to make it through basic.

    Flash back to Capt. Miller explaining to Pvt. Rieback "this is how you gripe", and imagine that on steroids.

  11. Congratulations, sweetie!@
    You qualify for the VP position!


  12. Since her oral exhalations are proceeding through that french horn, I hope there's an N95 equivalent covering the bell.

  13. I take it the E4 Mafia doesn't have an active chapter in the Air Force?

  14. Ahhh, yes. The Cargo Cult Band? Having a pretend mask helps?

  15. I served in a Navy Munitions unit that is hosed on the biggest AF base in the Pacific, Kadena. My opinion on the AF is as follows:

    Roll them back into the Army. They are overmanned, needlessly specialized like fucking ants, and have a complex about doing everything their own way such that they even have endless duplication of things everyone else has, down to the paper forms they use.

    One example out of many: Every other branch of the military is perfectly OK with using Department of Defense form 1898 for a paper receipt when a unit gets fuel for an aircraft. Not the Air Force, oh no. They have to have their very own form, AF 1994, for fuel receipts.

    Why? Who the hell knows.

    We'll take Kadena AFB, itself. About the same number of assigned aircraft as another of my prior commands, NAS Whidbey Island. Kadena has north of 30 thousand people that work on that base, between military, civilian, and Japanese MLCs. Whidbey has a quarter of that.

    As for the airhead horn player shown, I doubt she has given a moment's thought into how stupid she looks wearing that mask with a giant hole in it. IME large swaths of the military don't have the ability to contextualize what they are doing, and look at things in totality. I certainly could, which is why I always ran a sanity check against every order I was given, and was sometimes...flexible about order execution time and place. Got me in trouble more than once, but I had to keep my sanity working with and for mouth breathing idiots, so I didn't care.

    May be part of the reason I retired at 20 as an E-5. Make PO2 in 5 years, and there I stayed for the next 15. :D The Navy doesn't let people do that any more, now you have 14 years to make E-6 of you're separated for high year tenure.

  16. Agreed.
    Let's all admit the Key West Agreement of 1947 had a few mistakes, chief of which was separating the AF out of Big Green.

    Fold them back in, put them back in the legacy Pinks & Greens (the only thing Big Green has gotten right since turn of the millennium), and reduce it to a Corps within the Army. The Air Corps.

    If somebody wants to roll the ICBM missileers into Space Command, fine.
    But all the planes and pilots, and all ancillary support staff, go back to the Army.
    Just reducing the number of general officers alone should save tens of millions of dollars per fiscal budget year.
