Sunday, February 20, 2022

1984 turns 38


via Tom Luongo


  1. I don't have to imagine a boot stomping Ottaw police farce men in the face in the near future.

  2. A couple of comments I found interesting. I've removed the ID for decency's sake.

    “And how many of the firebrands are actually federales trying to incite?”

    Yeah. Safe to assume ALL of them. The guy at the back of the room screaming for blood is a cop. Every. Single. Time.


    Going to be grimly amusing if the glowie inspires a revolution that brings down his employers


    And at this point it’s possible.

    Interesting times as in Chinese Curse.

    BTW who do you THINK stand most to gain with this internal struggle?

    What an excellent camouflage for a new bioweapon to be released under, since COVID seems to be ignored now. Lassa Feaver anybody?

    Unless you have nobody depending on you, prepare as so your family, the BASIS of Civilization will survive the Troubles.

  3. Depressing as hell to see that many, if not most, of my professional peers, are all in favor of Thuggeau and Co, at least judging from some private threads I've been reading this morning.
    That also applies to some gamers I talked with, all adults, most of us either retired or white collar pros during working hours. Many are gun owners, and consider themselves 2A supporters.
    Nearly all of us voted for Biden over Trump, as Trump's reputation in the contract engineering community is lower than slime mold. I did, despite expecting a total s&!tshow when the Pedo took charge. I voted with my peers, and have no regrets about my decision.
    But I didn't think NZ, Australia and Canada would go totally Stalinistic in just over a year.
    I've come to the conclusion that it is no longer worthwhile to try to engage with most of these people, especially the ones I only have online contact with.
    And I really doubt that there is going to be a Republican win this November. Either we'll be wishing we were dead after the North Korean EMP attack sends us back to circa 476 AD, or the Marxists will be setting up the gulags after stealing the election, quite openly.
    I have my doubts about citizens standing up to the tyrants; google "Walter Mitty's Amendment"
    I hope that I'm wrong...

  4. Biden and Turdeau...Childish thug vs. thuggish child--what's the difference?

  5. Canadian here. The tally around here and of commenters online plus Reddit also leans pro Justin Castro. Unbelievable but true. Since he paid over 600 millions to MSM that we know of there is only support for whatever he says. No criticism. In Quebec the PM there Legault also bought off the medias. Everyone everywhere is singing the same tune. It's Pravda time.
    A fun thing that no one is talking about is that for close to a month thousands of people without masks, have been hugging, touching, no distanciation, yet no one got sick. In Ottawa the hospitalizations numbers even went down. How about that ?
    Try explaining that very simple thing to the hypnotized crowd that drink the MSM kool-aid, the message cannot be processed.

    You may have seen Schwab on video saying more than half of Justin Castro government is his. One opposition leader Singh is his too... Lots in Europe too like Macron.Merkel was one. All part of the Young Global Leaders. Don't know the ones in the US but they're everywhere. That's the real virus in my book.
