Saturday, December 4, 2021

Watch This Space


Medical Monday post inbound. On Monday, natch.


  1. What shall it be about? Huge increase in stillborn attributed to cold weather and newborns shoveling snow? Phfauxzers report showing nearly 1M 'events' with their shot? EU's medical reporting sez 'oh, hell...what do we do'? US's medical reporting sez 'what...we don't see anything'. Omicron coming in as a real pandemic with 3-5% of those dying as an ADE response or a nothing-burger across the board?

    Or did you stub your toe and get an ingrown toenail out of it?
    I'll keep hitting F5 until something shows up here.

  2. The Swedish vaccination passport contained in a microchip embedded in your right forehand?
