Monday, December 20, 2021

Jawohl, Herr Plagueführer


As we and many others keep telling you, their masks are off, and they're not even using ham-fisted pretenses anymore; they're just going full-on tyrannical fascist overlords.

Concentration camps for the unvaccinated are coming to NYFS

Fair is fair: 

If you're going to treat me like a Warsaw Jew to be loaded into a boxcar at your whim, I'm going to return the favor and treat you like a Nazi. In my crosshairs.

Just to be absolutely clear, I am in no way whatsoever speaking figuratively.

I mean literally blowing their brains out by the careful application of therapeutic lead injection.

Drop a nickel, and let's play that game.


  1. Its supposed to be Hucklebearer. Huckle is the handle of a casket.

  2. And here I thought Australia and Canada were going to beat us in establishing concentration camps first.

  3. I' thinking here that the percentage of the pushed has about reached it's climax. especially since the Gompers admitted they overstated & miscounted the percentage of the jabbed. Oh damn, they miscounted! Say it ain't so! the Gompers screwed up? How could that be!
    The harder they push from here on out, the harder the resistance will get. And it will soon get to the density of lead. Then we can start over. We don't need a new Constitution, we got one already, hardly used.

    1. I'd argue that the 'hardly used' Constitution needs to have a few of the more recent amendments (patches) stripped. The 16th & 17th come to mind immediately, and I'm pretty sure there's more. Also - we should add a means to prevent Congress from abdicating it's duty to the 'Bureaucratic' departments wrt: 'rule & regulation making'. Wouldn't hurt to get ride of several of the larger agencies as well. Otherwise, I heartily agree with you.

  4. Agreed Aesop, The time has come. Put up or shut up. Well there are only a few put ups. When I look around, btw I live in Nj, I see a majority of the people in my town, in supermarkets, walking in Gods clean air, driving in a car ALL ALONE mind you, fully masked. In diners where we go to eat a majority of the people waiting to get in or paying to leave wear masks. Thank God they eat without a mask. Keep reading that a lot of folks advocate "developing your tribe". I would agree. But here in nJ I found it very difficult if not impossible to trust anyone outside my immediate family. I live in a development where everyone is at odds with everyone else. LOL even insofar as taking neighbors to court. Who to trust? No one. Keep on keeping on Aesop. WE will definitely fight the good fight.


  5. Patience...
    Can't start too soon or some of the commies might get away. Let them ALL show their colors and then we apply an extermination level event.

  6. Interesting that Biden says we are going to have a dark winter of sickness and death.
    Where he missed the mark is that the sick and dying are going to be the vaxxed.
    If nothing else, maybe there will be fewer libs next year.
    Of course I'm not hoping for deaths. They will come as they may.

  7. I'm now on my third reading of Unintended Consequences. Each time, I learn a bit more. I wasnt born into a 2A family (Hell, I was nearly 60 before my father, who fought in Africa in WW2, ever talked about shooting anything other than monkeys), but I'm catching up.

    I mentioned to my DS recently that I'm becoming quite the Modern Alchemist. I can now convert gold into lead. Getting quite good at it, actually.

    Today is the Winter Solstice - spring is coming. May it be an American Spring.

  8. Hmmm, is that what you call a red line?

  9. Keep you head down and your mouth shut. Just be ready.

  10. I like that word Granny . Let's spread it . American Spring !
