Thursday, December 30, 2021

Jack-Booted Thuggery

 h/t 100% Effed Up

NYfPD Diversity Hire ThugPig in action.

Blue Bloods is great television. But it's entirely fictional.  The video at the link is the real NYfPD, up close and personal, with all the lipstick off the pig(s).

And Ofcr. BLM Jackboots clearly has no idea the significance of the phrase "just following orders", nor why it's always a poor defense.

But she's demonstration that once you start wiping your ass with the Constitution, it's nothing at all to walk all over the US flag for sport.

Fuck any good will from 9/11.

If the jihadis had taken out every building in that miserable rotten sh*thole, they would have qualified for a medal for public service.

Pity the rest of the state doesn't cast the Five Boroughs adrift, and wish them luck, as an independent city-state with no further voting privileges in the rest of the state's affairs. It would be an excellent precedent for the entire country, and put every blue hive sh*thole on notice that they were about to gain their total independence, and get to pay for the privilege out of their own pockets. Communism is a lot less fun without everyone else's money, and has a life expectancy measured in months at that point.


  1. Not when they deserve all values of "black & blue".

  2. I've always thought that the original 1964 movie Fail Safe had a happy ending. Yes, there are some wonderful places in NYC, but overall, the world would be better off without it.

  3. Glad you understand the dilemma, Aesop. NYFC is its own shithole, unto itself. Long Island (i.e. Nassau and Suffolk counties) are Reagan-red and always have been. Upstate is mostly the same (minus a few immigrant-blue pockets - looking at you, Rochester).

    Much like California, the majority of New York state is conservative and sane, but the major population centers skew bat-shit leftist. It pains me terribly that the whole damned state is tarred with the Marxist brush in the eyes of the rest of the nation. The Trump support and rallies out on Long Island in 2020 were epic in scale and enthusiasm, even though no major media outlet paid them any notice.

    We moved from the island to Texas this year to be among like-minded, small-government conservatives, but the first thing we heard from a few of our new neighbors, after learning of our Northeastern roots was, "Get a rope!" I can't blame them for their suspicions, but just hailing from a liberal cesspool state does not make of one a liberal turd.


    1. Hahaha, I left Rottenchester 6 years ago!
      When the mayor (who was caught embezzling campaign funds, husband with an AK and Kilo of blow) ran for election with the slogan:

      Our Mayor
      Our Town
      Our Turn

      on every street corner in da hood, I KNEW it was time for my white ass to gtfo.

  4. If NY figures out how to cast NYFC out, I hope they share with the state of Illinois.

  5. Thin Blue Line just got a lot thinner, but then again, they go where they're paid to go.

  6. Every time I hear of a Cop saying something like "I'm just doing my job" or "I was following procedure" I think of the Nuremberg Trials and the Nazis who were sentenced to death after using a similar defense.

    1. I'm astounded how many people, in various jobs, think that is an acceptable excuse.

  7. The blue bastards are going to get shot, with bullets, not the jab!

    1. Yep!!!!!

      No sympathy nor fucks given. Had your chance, made your choice. Hear the death benefits are pretty good. I'll ask your wife when I stop by to 'give her comfort'.

  8. More flagrant taunting. There will be a reckoning.

  9. This is what happens when you defund and vilify police, then add diversity quotas in hiring and promotion. All the good pros leave and no one wants the job.

    Then, you have to hire lower and lower on the food chain until you get this. I've seen this in every city I've lived. Hell, where I live now the big city is down 300. But all the surrounding suburbs are fine. Why would you work in a shithole when you can go 10 minutes in any direction and work for a well funded, professional force.

    The consolation here is I'll bet it can't shoot for shit. And when things get real up there you can bet it'll throw down and run like any bully.

  10. I'm with TechieDude. I know two retired NYPD Capt's both 9/11 responders; both now live in FL.
    Boat Guy

  11. ignorant (stupid??) faux American, absolute amerikan with power and guns is a very ugly thing.

  12. Nassau and Suffolk counties as well as Westchester have been demmocommie for 15 years or so. Know thy battleground. Buffalo just missed out on a socialist mayor. Albany DA was one of the first Soros funded socialist DA's.
    Very few cops need black and blues. Mostly the boss's or suck merchants or Oh Kneel and Uncle Terri Fester. There are many more cops, sheriff's and troopers who will not stand for such stuff. Unlike the FBi.

    1. I'm originally from WNY, there are good people there, but I think you over estimate... lotta douchebags, too (look at election results)

  13. Canadian Convoy: Short video (1 min) of criminals thugs attacking and assaulting a 90-pound or so woman. Slow the speed and make sure to pay close attention at 0:25. Revolting. Lots of rumors of UN troops or foreign private forces dressed up in Ontario provincial police gear (OPP)and RCMP. "The cops that where arresting people in Ottawa may not have been cop but un security personnel. Dressed as cop about four or five days ago two planes landed at airport just outside of Montreal and 360 people in blue and brown uniforms with black bags where seen getting in busses." There are similar reports at different Ontario airports. Some say some were Americans, Biden's gift. Even if this is true it doesn't excuse cops who could have spoken up but stayed quiet. They shook hands for a month with the truckers and said they supported them. Thugs indeed. I don't recall any similar behavior when the BLM riots were going on.

  14. So would you want the new city-state to be called Gotham? Or something else? ;)

    This is also why secessionism is a dumb idea: instead of creating tiny nations that can't defend themselves and aren't recognized by anybody, we can accomplish so much more by redrawing America's internal borders to isolate the commie counties.

  15. I think naming it Shitholia would be an especially apt plan.
