Sunday, November 7, 2021

Sunday Music: Last Train To Clarksville


First single released by the Monkees, which subsequently rocketed to Number 1 on the Billboard chart within weeks, and the song played most on their TV series. Still just as good today as it sounded in 1966.


  1. Playing this while watching Moscow car chase scene in A Good Day to Die Hard.
    Monkees make life better.

  2. Good song. Daydream Believer is my fav from them, though.

  3. And having graduated from CLARKSON, ya KNOW we rocked this in the early 70s!!

    Night Driver

  4. Pretty funny how bad the lip-synch and air guitar were back in the day. Couldn't show the left hand guitar fingering because it just wasn't there. The live clips with Dolenz at least looked reasonable if very brief. Glad they got to do their own stuff later.

  5. Naismith and Tork were actual musicians. Jones was just a singer, and Dolenz was all goof.
    At the outset, the network didn't want them to be able to do it for real.
    Over time, they learned to do it anyways, at which point the network lost all control over their creation. Peter FTW against the haters: "Well, for a band that supposedly isn't one, we sure sold a lot of records."

  6. AND, IIRC, Naismith wasn't hurting for money what with his mom's invention.
    Something about White-Out???

    Night Driver.
