Monday, October 4, 2021

Forget It, Jake...

 Whenever you see any of TPTB pulling some brave, new dumbassery related to Kung Flu or general vaxxholian retardations, remember this timeless quote:


  1. That's a lot of the same quote. What, 30 times a day?

  2. 30X/day if you turn off the MSM.
    If anyone's paying close attention, it starts to sound like a mantra.

  3. The Swedish Public Health Agency has decided to suspend the use of Moderna's vaccine Spikevax, for everyone born 1991 and later, for precautionary reasons," it said in a statement.

    "The cause is signals of an increased risk of side effects such as myocarditis and pericarditis. However, the risk of being affected is very small," it said.

    There is a small risk some bad stuff will happen to your heart...of course, if we had studied this further, we would have known about this particular side effect...but when billions are on the line...what's a few dead men?

    mrna...down again today. WE CAN ONLY GUESS AT WHAT'S WAITING IN THE WINGS...

