Monday, August 9, 2021

Ode To A Sick Tempered Tyrannus, Or Something...



  1. Healing power of "and".

    There's a memorial not far from my backyard to what proggies do to Officially Dangerous Americans in a National Emergency. It looks a lot like #1.

    But #1 is Normiecuck*. This is what the rest of the deplorables are expecting:

    *To be fair to Normiecuck, there were no-knock SWAT raids of Tea Party organisers during the Obama regime. Not to mention Ruby Ridge, Waco, that Cuban kid Elian...

  2. I'm stealing those memes. No, wait, that's no good. I'm asking permission to use them. Whaddaya say?

  3. Dude, way to 1st Amendment, hope you don't get black bagged or rendered an electronic un person.

  4. @ Jim W.,
    Use them w/ my compliments!

  5. 1oo%. The gullible sheeple of this country simple cannot fathom how unabashedly murderous and criminal those in power are....and have been forever. A few rare examples of good folks come along every now and then. They are either driven from office through lies, or through bullets. It is the same with EVERY government that has ever existed.

  6. When people seem to not realize that actions have consequences far beyond what anyone wants.
