Friday, August 13, 2021

Known Knowns


Not offering, just making the obvious observation.

You can tell these vaxxholes ain't been thinking this stuff through, or they wouldn't be pulling these hare-brained ideas out of their own underpants.

As if anyone smart enough to skip the vaxx is just going to sit in the corner and suck their thumb, while contemplating the error of their ways. 

That's the sort of jackassery that's going to leave a mark.

Employment vacancies in the state bureaucracy in 3, 2, ...


  1. Meanwhile in Maine, Governor Janet Mills goes full fascist:

  2. I know someone who firmly believes that, if you refuse the jab and get Covid your insurance company shouldn't cover your care.

    Which first brings up the question of how the insurance company KNOWS your vax status (HIPPA anyone?). Do I have to bring my vax passport to the hospital or I'll be turned away?

    And of course I'm required to pay for insurance which covers birth control (my wife is 60) and abortion (which I find morally abhorrent), not to mention gender reassignment (not happening). See also PA DA Josh Shapiro and The Little Sisters of the Poor.

    One also wonders whether an illegal immigrant without insurance would be treated, while a legal citizen whose worked his whole life and paid taxes and insurance premiums will be sent home to recover or die.

    For the record, I got the Fauci Ouchy. Seemed the responsible thing to do at the time, to protect people around me who are at-risk. Later evidence showed it may not have been a good idea, and so far I've not had any adverse reactions. Long-term? Not worried about infertility (see wife's age above), and at age 58 I'm not going to worry too much about what may happen to me 20-30 years in the future.

    Mark D

  3. If you want someone to do something that they don't want to do and you threaten to cause them some kind of pain, wouldn't that be a
    Terroristic Threat?

  4. Have you heard/read anything about the Novavax or whatever its called? It's supposedly built like a traditional flu shot. Wife is super hung up on it but after all the crap we've been through I don't think I would trust anything anymore.

    1. Stay away from it, it too is synthetic sequenced based.

  5. "... Justin_O_Guy said...

    If you want someone to do something that they don't want to do and you threaten to cause them some kind of pain, wouldn't that be a
    Terroristic Threat?..."

    I don't think so-- a "terroristic threat" is more akin to being a threat toward a government of sorts, while toward a person, it's just a "threat", such as to cause bodily harm. (Am I confused enough now?)
    As for getting someone to do something they don't want to do, that's coercion (isn't it?), unless you physically force them, then it's assault because you're touching them... (LOLing now...)

  6. @Jim,
    IANAL, but Justin_O_Guy has it right.
    Threatening anyone with any sort of physical harm is not only assault, it is legally considered a terroristic threat.
