Tuesday, August 17, 2021

I'm Sure It's A Total Coincidence


You could look it up. Kuwait, 1990-1991. Entire Army is in Saudi Arabia, war in Kuwait is over in 6 weeks, ground war over in 3 days, and General Malfunction was conspicuously nowhere within 8000 miles.

Too busy climbing the ladder and punching fruit salad tickets far from the battlefield. Probably finishing up his Gender Studies position paper, or inventorying mess kits stateside.

And this is the assclown who burped out that he "feared Trump would stage a military coup" in January, to stay in office. Rope. Tree. Chickenshit Pretender. Some assembly required.

That little black hole in his resume - avoided in every single one - is glaringly conspicuous in looking over his official bios to anyone with 5 minutes' time in the dotMil.

There's some chickenshit you can't cover up with fruit salad and shiny qual badges.

A guy could get killed leading troops in a shooting war.


  1. Sir I don't always agree with you, but you do make me think. THIS TIME I AGREE WITH YOU 100%.

  2. I noticed that the other day. Shit, even "I" have 3 ribbons from DS/DS (and a few extra stars/knots). Conspicuously absent are any of the normal ones that you got for just showing up.
    Big Country noticed a lot of conspicuously absent items in his one post about General Nuisance. Some turds just don't pile right.

  3. Replies
    1. Thats a CIB with Star. Two "war" CIB.

  4. CIB for chicken shits. 30 days "In Country". Need never to be with in hearing range of any disturbing Booms or such. "Escorted" by a "Security Team" to bullet Stop any random threats.

    Follow up with obligatory mutual tongue baths with other CIB Chickenshits to write EACH other up for this "Award".

    Wash, rinse, repeat for CIB #2 for Wanna Be General Staffers.
