Friday, July 23, 2021

"When We Hang The Capitalists, They Will Sell Us The Rope..."



  1. Delta Mike here. Sorry BRCC, you can't walk statements back by saying you were mis-quoted, we already saw your confirmation comments before your company started getting slammed. This is what is known as being a day late and now a dollar short. No Quarter, the Black Flag is flying.

  2. Why the BRCC guy found it in his company's interest to virtue signal is puzzling.

    Did he think that he would be able to present the brand as a "softer, gentler" choice of java, AS IF any limp-wrist liberal would be caught dead buying a brand of coffee with a rifle on the bag?

    I wonder if any liberal has ever bought a "My Pillow" product.


    They hate you.

  4. Not sure how I got on their email list(may have been a contest)But I later read they were anti 2A and tried to get off the email list, got a reply that I wasn't on the email list, which when you think about the fact that I had replied to their email would have been quite the trick. Continued to get email.

  5. Out of curiousity, checked the site again. What is this? Day Six? Seven? Still no response or update.

    Unfortunately, their window for "fixing" this has now expired. Everything they will experience they have now completely earned.

  6. The Mrs. had even heard of this one and was skeptical of their excuse that their words were taken out of context and how the NYT abused them. After, of course, they retweeted the NYT article without any sort of condemnation of the piece. And we know the Left won't buy their coffee . . .
