Saturday, April 24, 2021


 h/t WRSA


  1. I think I will use that . Oh well , lost the paperwork in the mail , just like the Republican Votes!

  2. I like that meme so I'm going to nick it. However, I am going to use my 'white supremacy / privilege' to reject taking the jab until every other American of brown, black, yellow, red, old, poor, young, LGBTQXYZ groups has had their jab. Then I may wait some additional time to see what deleterious effects mat present. After all, women who took the FDA APPROVED drug Thalidomide had to wait nine months to find out if their children were going to be born with arms and legs or flippers.
    Truth in speaking requires me to reveal that I am 75 yo and my farthest out planning is only until April of 2024 when I plan to see the next full eclipse in CONUS. Cheers.

  3. This is the first vaccine where the mice are waiting to take it based on the tests on humans.

  4. Er, Landroll, the FDA did NOT approve that one - at least for the initial use (It is allowed today, but usually only prescribed for Hansen's Disease [aka Leprosy]) . While a few women in the USA did get it, due to some testing, the Thalidomide Disaster was largely European. In the USA, one stubborn cuss turned out to be right - and if not fully prevented, at least greatly minimized the impact in the USA.

  5. I have no plans to take a vaccine made from modified RNA, approved on an "emergency basis", for a disease with a fatality rate of 0.3% for people under 70 yrs old with no co-morbidities.

    And today, our governor, John Bel, bowed to the reality that most Louisianians released themselves from the mask mandate several months ago, along with having family & friend gatherings, etc.

    We've just been ignoring his silly ass. I still can't believe he is a West Pointer, and completed Ranger School.
