Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Ghoul Pool 2021

One more pick for the pool, and I've got this thing sewn up:

1) Gropey Dopey 2) the Duchess Of Wakanda and 3) _____________?

Decisions, decisions...

Bonus: Like Epstein, none of them will kill themselves.


  1. Replies
    1. Jerry the penguin Naddler. Considering God's lack of standing with this congress. Well maybe the whole House.

  2. Yes, I'll take Andrew Cuomo for $200.

  3. "The Duchess of Wakanda". Priceless :P Thanks for my laugh of the day! Tractorguy

  4. Cuomo's shark bait. He'll be disposed of without a shot being fired.

  5. There is no need to "off" Sleepy Joe. They can just say he had a stroke or something and use the 25th. Then they send him back to his basement with a hero's salute.

  6. Is Kamela altogether off your list?

  7. Mittens got his beat down, and should be 'retiring to spend more time with family' soon.

    I'd go for a clinton, or a clinton insider.


  8. The point of Ghoul Pool is to pick who'll die.
    Doesn't matter how it happens, only that it happens.
    A lot of people will disappear from the spotlight, but won't need to die.
    The Duchess of Wakanda, however, has made a mighty enemy, and some people's patience is not infinite.

  9. Sorry, but I think a Trump family member.. Just to send the message. Back off.

  10. Diane Fienstien

    I named my first AR 80% lower build Diane.

  11. I pick any (so called) conservative SCOTUS member. If you can make-believe off a capital cop with "bear spray", 24 hours after the fact... then have 20,000 NG walking around with ARs and no bullets a few days later, what can't you do.

  12. Mittens got his black eye, he joined the cabal

  13. they can't go the 25th on Biden, because then they lose control of the Senate

  14. There is an old joke about Prince Charles meeting OJ Simpson, and the punchline is something like "That's how it's done, old chap."


  15. @Marty,

    Suppose #3 is a rising-star (R) senator?
    For bonus points, in a "senseless act of assault rifle violence"?
    Win-win-win for Team Banana Republican.
    Media woke-gasms in 3, 2, ...

  16. "... Suppose #3 is a rising-star (R) senator?
    For bonus points, in a "senseless act of assault rifle violence"?..."

    Colorado Senator Lauren Boebert would fit that description. At least, that was my thought a couple of weeks ago when she made her "I'm carrying" announcement.

  17. Ghislane Maxwell for the third spot

  18. Aesop, a unexpected death of a Republican Senator in a state with a Democrat Governor who gets to replace him/her wouldn't be a surprise, of course that would be patently obvious, bit then so was stealing the Presidential election

  19. Great poll! I'm drawing a blank on #3, but Nick above said "a clinton insider", which made sense. They haven't had a good killing in a while.

    One observation: Whoever #3 is, it appears most here think it'll be someone on the left. Those libs just love the blood.

  20. Aesop, I'll got with the same means and purpose with a different name:

    Andrew Cuomo - in the parking lot with an evil AR15 Military assault rifle with chainsaw bayonet attachment (for the win-win-win-win)

    Because big demoncrat is desperate to get this mill stone from around their neck.
    They get as a consolation prizes:
    1. The ability to to jump start the gun grab of ALL guns
    2. The ability for the national news to STOP talking about a pervert demoncrat and get back to attacking Americans like they are supposed to be doing.
    3. The ability to not only polish the turd that is Cuomo's image,
    4. But to actually get the press to canonize and make Cuomo the Patron Saint of gun control. Anyone daring to bring up the dead bodies caused by Andrew the holey (or any of the other demoncrat politicians that inserted the China Virus into nursing homes) will be crucified on the new Cross of cancel culture.

    MSG Grumpy

  21. Kamala.

    Whomever she picks for a VP will be the deep states true pick.

  22. Nick, look up a book called "The Accident Man" by tom Cain https://www.amazon.com/Accident-Man-Novel-Samuel-Carver/dp/014311476X

    You and Aesop MIGHT be intrigued.

    Night Driver.....a K.eeper O.f O.dd K.nowledge...

  23. Clarence Thomas. Spread the confusion.

  24. Duchess of Wakanda wins hands down. The Queen is pissed: her own grandson is showing his wimpy-ness very publicly. Add to the unbelieveable grifting of the DofW; those $5000 dresses, styled coif, expensive jewelry-shoes-make up-ad nauseam is coming from the Queen's public money. The English Royalty have a perfected and exquisitely timed remedy for all of this "confusion" in the ranks. Over 1000 years of removing troublemakers, grifters, and the uncouth. The car accident with Diana was really well crafted-the only survivor knew to shut up. I'm seeing a tumble into the sea, or a "vagrant" entering the low castle with harm in mind. Just a reminder: MI6 meets with the Queen on a regular basis. I doubt that they are discussing the grandchildren.

  25. It’ll be one of the “conservative” Supreme Court Justices. Like Scalia, he or she will “die” while sleeping.
