Monday, February 22, 2021

¡Viva Chiquitastan!


You live in a full-fledged banana republic.

Your would-be overlords will brook neither examination nor discussion of that fact, and they will decide for you who you wanted elected. Your input is entirely superfluous, and the idea that you can or even should have any input at all is frankly annoying and vexatious to TPTB.

There can be but one proper answer to that, and it must needs be delivered at between 900 and 3200fps. Nothing less will suffice.


  1. God Bless the America that was, and can still be...
    I pray for my American cousins, and for the light that is Liberty.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The SCOTUS has embraced irrelevance...

  4. A stout rope and a tall tree, with the carcass of tyrants left for the scavengers works too. Don't forget the sign around the neck with their name.

  5. Sorry folks, it ain't gonna happen. Apathy reins.

  6. "Remain calm! All is well!" - Honk Honkler, mayor of Manassas, July 20 1861.

  7. Replacing the politicians won't change anything. The bosses behind them and the ignorant un-American masses beneath them will simply replace them with similar creatures.

  8. Texit. I remember the first time I heard about what happened at Manassas, July 20,1861. My teacher then described it in mournful terms, and then went right to a description of Appomattox. I learned that same day who my Great-Grandfather had fought for (The South), and that I should be proud of him and that. I am still. When in the course of human events.
