Tuesday, January 12, 2021

"Tell Us What To Do..."


Here's a suggestion or three from WRSA.

Clever persons will detect a theme.

In case that's too subtle for some:


  1. It should have been done long ago, but I got the ball rolling over the weekend for my county to take up a 2A sanctuary declaration, along the lines of what was done in Virginia. Lots of work to be done from there, but it's a start.

  2. And in the District of Communism everyone looks around and breathes a sigh of relief, "thank marx there's no communists here!"

  3. Might wanna rethink Arnie, he recently posted a yube tube denigrating the recent kerfuffle at our glorious district of crime lords... he is not the terminator no more...

  4. Wait, what does Lee Marvin say?

  5. @Borepatch,

    I plead vegetative exhaustion after the last three Groundhog Day ER shifts in a row.
    With the ER at 180% of licensed capacity, closing to ambulances streng verboten, and only getting beds in the hospital proper when people died, which they did.

    @Aggie, waitaminute...refresh your screen. :P

  6. George Peppard and the A-team would blow off boxes of automatic weapons and not hit one commie.

  7. Gotta dumb question that I have asked on other blogs, FarceBook, etc etc

    "What will be the punishment that the Chinese Communist Party will pay for the gift they have given the world?"

    So far everything the powers that be have said is how much the American people will have to suck up and suffer more, pay more taxes, endure More Abusive Public Servants...

    Yet not a word as to how we punish the ones responsible for this worldwide pain and suffering...

    Now don't get me wrong, while I am an old Cold Warrior and Love it when a Commie becomes a good Commie...
    I also believe that for bad governments and bad people
    there MUST be consequences for bad actions...
    Otherwise you encourage them to continue those bad actions.

    So again...
    WHEN does the Communist Party Of China start to PAY for what they have done?

    MSG Grumpy

  8. McCarthy made news with his list of ~100 suspected communists in our government. The swamp swallowed him whole.

    Today, he'd have a list of ~100 government employees who AREN'T sympathetic to Marx's principles.
