Sunday, January 17, 2021

Sunday Music: Reminiscing


Nostalgia from down under. This was Little River Band's #3 hit, and the biggest hit they had in the US, and they didn't even know what a monster they'd cut until after it was released. Along with follow-up single Lady, it carried their fourth album all the way to platinum, which no Australian band had ever done in America up to that point in time. A Top 10 song with a brass solo in the bridge? Hey, it was 1978. You could do anything.


  1. Reminiscing indeed. High School slow dance time and working at the local commercial radio station...

  2. Loved that album, Bought it, Back In The Day. Think I could play some of the songs on acoustic guitar in College. Yeah, the chicks digged that, even without the brass backup.

    Didn't know they were from Down Under until now.

  3. The Queen Of The World and I just sang along to the Lady link. Thank you for that, Aesop.

  4. Oh, that brings back some wonderful memories, thanks Aesop...

  5. Have you heard the new Eric Clapton/Van Morrison song? Stand and Deliver.

  6. my lady during this time was a twin... we all loved the LRB, and I was fortunate enough to take both twins to their concert at the Greek Theater... thanks for the "Reminiscing" brother
