Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Defensive Training Group Blog Deplatformed


Wordpress continue the kulakization of free speech. DTG has been TOS'ed off the internet, some time during the last 12 hours.

If we go down here, be of good cheer.

This is but a side show.

The main act is about to raise the curtain.

See to yourselves, and your own business.

Oh, BTW, you are archiving and printing hard copies of anything you feel is important, aren't you...?

By the by, I picked up an ancient military teletype for almost nothing over the weekend.

Have to see if I can get it to work one of these days...


  1. I am surprised this blog hasn’t been deplatformed already... but you’ve already addressed your thoughts on what appropriate action should follow that possibility...

  2. A teletype. Very cool.

    If you only knew someone else that had one, you could communicate with them.

  3. Any encryption on that critter? Or is it just letters & symbols in = letters & symbols out?

  4. That's even older than what I worked with in the 80's.

  5. Bill Quick has given him posting privs over at DailyPundit, while he searches for a new home.

  6. (With apologies to Gordon Lightfoot)
    On January 21st, the Republic caved in, he said
    "Fellas, it's been good to know ya"

  7. Fellas it's to rough to feed ya. But if you gotta go down you might want to take five of em with ya.

  8. Trained on and used them in the Army in the early 60s. Had one hooked up to an early computer in the early 80s. Still have one but was going to give it away to local vets museum. Guess Ill keep it. 300 baud but what the hey. Beat CW at 20 WPM. Some HAM reader or old Army guy can put you right. I've some docs regarding radio sets but no repair data. Hope every one is stretching out their trip wires between friends and thinking of commo means and methods. Cheers
