Friday, June 12, 2020

Charitable Giving Update

Boxed and shipped all my bags (plural) of yard clippings and raked leaves to C.H.A.Z. as an Emergency Vegan Food Shipment. Labeled "Salad greens".

The neighbor's pooch contributed some crunchy croutons to that mix.

What can I say? I'm a giver.

Bonus: I'll be legally deducting the price of 100 salads from my income tax this year as a Charitable Donation.

No, really.


And the city saves green waste landfill space, plus the USPS gets more parcel revenue, which they've been whiniging about of late.

Grand slam, baby.

I'm so green right now that Vulcans call me Homie.
Nerdgasm Achievement: Unlocked.


  1. Thanks for caring. You are a shining beacon of light in the darkness. I imagine the rioters will build a statue to honor your donation. Human sacrifices are not out of the question.

    1. ...a Statue they will deface and pull down next week...

  2. An act that mean would make the evening news...

  3. The Bag of Dicks part is a Seattle joke. Dick's is a local fast-food chain and all "real" Seattleites prefer it over McDonald's, etc. It says "Buy 'em by the bagful" on their bags. I lived there for almost 30 years and can't tell you how many times I heard someone say they were gonna go buy a bag of Dick's.

  4. That may be the Seattle joke, but the phrase long predates that, and means exactly what's implied.
