Saturday, May 30, 2020

Truer Words...: Operation Enduring Clusterf**k

A commenter linked to a really spiffy vinyl morale patch version of this at L.A. Police Gear that is sadly already out of stock, otherwise we'd order 100 of them, and pass them out at work.

Fortunately, there are other versions, like the one in the pic at the header, and this sums up the situation splendidly, and probably will for the rest of the year.

Never underestimate the ability of the American people to mock and skewer official stupidity and deal with it appropriately. Get a patch or a t-shirt, and wear it with pride. We've all earned this one.


  1. Well, back in January I was thinking of getting t-shirts made, in light gray with a couple covid19 images on the middle back with lettering across the shoulders in lower case font, "it's just the flu bro"

  2. Get it as a collared shirt or have it embroidered on a button down shirt and then don't say anything or show it to anybody until you unveil it at some fancy work or awards event and watch TPTB have a melt down with the HR drones...
    Yes, be that guy! It'll be an epic tale for the underlings and noobs.

  3. Or a bumper sticker discreetly applied to ALL corporate vehicles. Hehehe...

  4. can you get that patch with velcro backing?

  5. Velcro is easy to sew onto the back of a patch (I did my own back in the day when I wore uniforms with velcro spots that regulations said had to be covered). Still do it occasionally for specialized uses. Use a thread color matching the patch and you don't have to be a seamstress for it to look OK.

    The other patch/bumper sticker I want is "CHICOMs Lied, People Died" with the evergreen Ghostbuster type Hammer and Sickle logo. Bound to make some heads go all "Splodey".
