Wednesday, April 1, 2020

We Don't Burn Down the Republic To Save It

h/t Peter

This, folks. And the source material from Hot Air. (If you can't find Hot Air without a link, you fail the Internetz.)

Some recent examples:

Dumbasses, at county and state levels, attempted use the current emergency to shut down gun stores.

The correct response to that is a sentence that ends "...sideways, with a rusty chainsaw; and the horse you rode into town on."

And POTUS (an absolute commie anti-gunner to the people who wear their AR-15s and a bandoleer of ammo to go to the bathroom inside their own houses - NTTAWWT), and the DHS, helpfully sent exactly that message, by declaring any and all 2A related business "essential", even - if not "especially" - amidst a pandemic.
Game, set, match, Jackie Jackboots. F**k off with that noise.

Some idiots tried to restrict abortions as non-essential procedures during this.
They're jack-booted thugs, full of the exact same amount of sh*t as Nancy Alzheimers and Chuck U Schumer.

Some other monumental jackholes have held mass church services during lockdowns.

I'm pro-free exercise of religion, and anti-abortion, but both of those moves are fucktarded beyond belief.

The state - any state, under any form of government - has a compelling interest in preserving the health and well-being of its citizenry. In fact,  protecting their lives, liberty, and pursuit of happiness is the exact sine qua non without which they descend into replaceable tyranny, deserving of a rope or a guillotine, in short order, by that citizenry.

This is why "religions" claiming adherence to their holy tenets of temple prostitution or child sacrifice get short shrift in cases before SCOTUS, or any lesser court.

What should have happened is, whatever dimbulb fuckwit running that church should have shown the sense God gave a jackass, and not held that meeting. Nota bene I did not say "not hold any meetings, ever". Nor is decertifying them as a church in perpetuity allowable. That's jackbooted thuggery of the same stripe.

But what the state should do when Pastor Shitforbrains (and he is, and has them) held that meeting during a quarantine, is simply fined him, personally, and all present, at the rate of $1000 per attendee per occurence, and the church for $100,000 per occurrence. (E.g.: If 500 people show up, the pastor owes $500K, the 500 owe $1K@, and the church owes another $100K. Lather, rinse, repeat.) If God loves such stupidity, maybe the heavens will rain money on them. If not, best re-think putting the Lord to such a foolish test, dumbasses.

It's also wrong to try and back-door ban abortion under color of crisis. There is a freshness date on terminating a pregnancy, which, sadly, continues to be legal in this republic.

If one wishes to change that, either:
- have someone COVID-positive cough on Ruth Vader Ginsburg, or wait for the actuarial tables to solve that problem;
- have Congress remove the issue from the purview of the courts (which they can do at a pen stroke, and even SCOTUS can't say boo to it), and then outlaw the practice;
- wait until a suitable majority overturns the idiotic Roe v. Wade/Dred Scot for babies decision, and let federalism solve that problem. NFY, CA, and IL will probably keep it, but it will become mighty scarce from about Pennsylvania to AZ in about a minute and a half.

All of those are smarter, and to put a fine point on it, legal and just ways to solve that tangle under the Constitution.

Trying to bootstrap your prejudice or predilection for that, or any other sillyass position, and slip it in under the sheeps' clothing of Kung Flu Response, is the sort of thing that should get you a nice scalding hot tar and chicken feathers spa treatment, and a ride out of the city limits sitting on a rail carried by the torch-and-pitchfork mob, never to be allowed to return.

We once told the mightiest empire in the world to get f**ked, and made them our bitch by making it stick. Doing the same to any would-be local Napoleons now should it become necessary, ought to be small work. Many of us are willing, able, and a wee bit more than enthusiastic about the prospect of that undertaking.

You want to get another revolution? This sort of happy horseshit is how you get another revolution.

Zero fucks will be given.

And if we have to chop heads off and string some bastards up while wearing gloves and N95 masks, or in MOPP Level IV, or just lobster bibs and carnations in our lapels, we'll manage, I assure you.


  1. It will come to that. A lot of insignificant politicos are flexing their power muscles and they are discovering their inner pol pot.
    At some point this is going to go sideways. It'll go down something like this:
    Mayor Jackass: I hereby declare that to resolve this crisis we (local overlords) decree that all food supplies shall be stored at the (somewhere they have the only keys & access to) for distribution by public authorities to those in need.
    Local farmer/prepper: [sound of rifle action being cycled] OK
    Local thugs masquerading as LEO: We're here to collect your 'donation' to the community (people to stupid to plan ahead because it interferes with sportsball)
    All parties: [firefight]

    My wife and I closed the gate on March 2nd. Still healthy. Immediately started a garden and fencing for security. I don't have a security clearance. I don't have any inside info from health care or the government. I made my decision based on publicly available information. The same info available to every Swinging Richard in America. I was just smart enough and bold enough to make a decision and follow through.
    Consequently I plan on eating regularly. Both vegetables and game meat. But there are a lot of people who are too stupid to breathe without it being reflexive action. And when they decide they're going to share my success without the investment of time, sweat & tears... Well, it's been observed 'the range is hot in both directions'
    And after the first one the rest are free...
    Yup, we're past sporty, well into frisky and rapidly approaching open season on stupid and collectivism.

  2. Having read the Hot Air article, what is a good way for the government to handle this, then? I don't ask that to be facetious, I ask because I want to know.

    Even having been told that this virus is a health risk and to limit your travel to essential things only, I have seen locally people who decided that they didn't care about the risk, they would do what they wanted. It's one thing to decide that you don't care if the virus kills you. It's quite another to decide that for the people around you as well.

    I don't know what the right answer is for the government as far as handling this. The right answer for people on the street would be for them to start caring about their fellow human beings and stay home if they don't have to be out. But as we've seen all across the country, more in some places than in others, people don't care, and they don't care that they don't care.

  3. A lot of insignificant politicos are flexing their power muscles and they are discovering their inner pol pot.

    The clearest example of this, right down to potentially killing a number of people, are the Democratic or Never Trump Republicans who make it illegal to prescribe chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19 in their states, or create a rule set that insures it won't save people. Some of whom I've noticed are walking it back, although per comments in previous topics here, not necessarily doing so, like the half wit. All to make a gesture against Trump.

  4. Planned Parenthood is an essential business? REALLY?

    Yep, we can continue to kill several thousand unborn children per day, because "rights" while stripping most people from the right to do their own jobs. There is one death for every abortion. THAT is a serious CFR (yeah, I know, the true rate is 99.x% because sometimes the kid just says "NO!" and lives anyway; rare but it happens).

    Not sure how saying you are 'against abortion' but then saying that is an essential business that we cannot shut down. Utterly incoherent...

    1. Because it is still highly illegal in most jurisdictions to murder a viable fetus.
      So, while distasteful yet fully legal while fresh, it has to be done quickly or not at all. And the potential repercussion from not at all is not good.

  5. ApoloDoc: He's saying you're no better than House Majority Whip James Clyburn when he said "This is a tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision." as part of the process which delayed the latest emergency bill a week. Now is not the time to politicize anything related to pandemic response, unless our cold civil war gets a lot hotter.

    Even if you're in full Civil War 2.0 mode today, follow Machiavelli's advice to "Never do an enemy a small injury."

  6. " Many of us are willing, able, and a wee bit more than enthusiastic about the prospect of that undertaking." And getting moreso each day.

    I understand that there is a "window" during which abortions are more easily performed but the proscriptions I've seen are all about ANY "elective" surgery; orthopedic, ophthalmic, et al. Yes there will be cases in all of those practices (torn retina anyone?) that WILL need to be done, but waiting on ANY that can be delayed seems good practice.
    Frankly I'd like to see any of those Docs and RN's in those specialties put on their PPE and volunteer to spell the folks in the ED's and such IF they are qualified to do so.
    Boat Guy

  7. "Frankly I'd like to see any of those Docs and RN's in those specialties put on their PPE and volunteer to spell the folks in the ED's and such IF they are qualified to do so."

    --and afterwards, we won't have those specialties to do the surgeries that were put off. because we're going to lose 10-20% of HCW if other countries are any guide.


  8. And this is both good and bad news, from my FEMA eletter….

    DoD will deploy two Navy Expeditionary Medical facilities; one each to TX and LA with
    approximately 200 medical personnel at each location (US Northern Command Update, as of 2:59
    p.m. ET Mar 30)

    A 450-person Navy Medical Unit from Jacksonville, Florida will soon deploy to the Dallas-Ft. Worth, Texas area and New Orleans, Louisiana to expand the medical capabilities in those states in the next few days.

    –Ummm, I get the NOLA deployment, but Dallas? Maybe they know something we do not?


  9. FYI - I am getting a Threat warning on your site:
    JS:Clicker-BN[PUP] on -- blocked from being downloaded.

    Something in the JavaScript may not be kosher.


  10. Wow...that's some real cypherin' there nick!
    Not that "other countries" ( Italy? Iran? Who?) should be our guide anyway but losing "10-20%" means NO surgeries afterwards? Cause the 80-90% surviving are gonna quit?
    Not computing there, ace.
    Boat Guy

  11. Hey, if you want to get an elective surgery from someone who worked the ward, in a building full of it, go ahead. How'd that work out for the hospital in Dallas after 2014?

    I'd like to have access to some health workers who weren't exposed to wuflu after this is all over, and I'd like to have as many of them available as possible. Maybe you haven't tried to schedule anything lately, but losing 10 to 20% of specialties that are already in demand and overbooked, combined with pent up demand, is going to mean a whole lot of delayed or cancelled procedures.

    You want to use Internet Argument Checklist item six - find a reason to discard the rest of the argument, go ahead. Could be when I said "specialties" it should have been "specialists".

    It's a comments section, not a PHD dissertation.

    I still maintain that getting an oral surgeon or an ophthalmologist or pediatric oncologist to take a shift in the plague ward just means we lose some percentage of those specialists to no benefit.

    Time to start thinking about how to conserve the HCWs we have. See also the previously posted CDC pandemic checklist. We seem to be progressing thru it pretty handily. Keeping the reserve of specialist and hard to replace knowledge and experience is going to be a consideration before too long.

    Or do you think we have so much excess capacity that we can lose 10-20% of specialists without an impact on future care?


  12. @Anonymous Anonymous @9:35 AM

    "Even having been told that this virus is a health risk and to limit your travel to essential things only, I have seen locally people who decided that they didn't care about the risk, they would do what they wanted. It's one thing to decide that you don't care if the virus kills you. It's quite another to decide that for the people around you as well."

    Unfortunately, just like the high school kid who decides to race the train to the crossing with his girlfriend and two other classmates in the car, the actions of stupid people can another or several others killed.

    The lesson (that unfortunately many don't learn for good until a bit later in life) is to stay away from stupid (or suicidal) people.

    That (for myself) also includes people who are going to church service anyway during a pandemic because they "are ready to meet the Lord."


    "Yep, we can continue to kill several thousand unborn children per day, because "rights" while stripping most people from the right to do their own jobs. There is one death for every abortion...
    Not sure how saying you are 'against abortion' but then saying that is an essential business that we cannot shut down. Utterly incoherent..."

    I can't answer for Aesop, but I can answer for myself. It's an essential service because stupid people are willing to use abortion as a means of birth control, and I don't have the desire or the means to take care of all the unwanted babies who will need to be taken care of for 18 years. So legal abortion is presently the preferred solution to a screwed up 'damned if you do, damned if you don't' problem.

    I get the argument that the churches being closed and the abortion clinics being open seems pretty screwed up. However, know that the churches are closed so more God-fearing people don't catch this and die from it. The abortion clinics are open because people who get "unwanted pregnancies" need their services and the "burden" of having an "unwanted child" outweighs even the risk of contracting a deadly disease in the abortion clinic.

    Just have faith in God's ultimate justice.

    Perhaps if you feel like it, also hope and pray that the people visiting and working in the abortion clinics have at least the same incidence if not greater of getting the Coronavirus as other people in regular clinics and hospitals.

  13. "The state - any state, under any form of government - has a compelling interest in preserving the health and well-being of its citizenry. In fact, protecting their lives, liberty, and pursuit of happiness is the exact sine qua non without which they descend into replaceable tyranny, deserving of a rope or a guillotine, in short order, by that citizenry".

    This statement is the crux of the matter and would have been common knowledge maybe as little as 30-40 years ago. Not in present times. WWII era and shortly after everyone would have jumped on board and done their part, it was "common sense" to isolate yourself and identify/isolate the carriers, getting a handle on it sooner rather than later. and not trying to infect everyone on the planet. Common sense is a relic of the past anymore, with everyone only concerned about themselves and their "needs/wants" and the hell with everyone else. Hence the recent purchase of mass quantities of more butt wipe than you can use if 12 years as well as everything else you can possibly buy on credit. The greater the population and more diverse is becomes the more self centered and isolated we become..... Proven through history......

    1. I think most of America's problems are rooted in cultural issues. One side has a little bit of common sense and understanding of downstream effects. A very little bit...
      The other side has compassion. No discernible intelligence, but way more compassion than any corporate officers...
      Nevertheless, the coming hard times will toughen up the soft people and the harshness of those times will result in surviving officials quickly destroying their more corrupt colleagues purely out of self preservation.

  14. "Dred Scott for babies" - I'm going to steal the heck out of that.

  15. For those of you who choose to resist. The first kill has all of the so called penalties attached to the act. After that all is free as there can be no additional penalty. Old sparky can only be used on you once. Serial killers get to go a long time because the solving of crimes is based upon a standard set of suppositions, go off them and you go a long time. I repeat what others have already said - no new thoughts.

    Make your list, check it twice, do the naughty and all can be nice.

  16. What part of "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." confuses people?

  17. "or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

    --with the comma there, it looks a bit like you are only free to assemble if you are petitioning the government....

    I'm sure it's all there in penumbras and emanations... if you squint hard enough and hold your head just right.

    It's not just the 2A that is under relentless attack.


  18. Another step further on the CDC pandemic checklist...

    "A medical advisory council is telling paramedics in New York City they shouldn't take fatal heart victims to hospitals to have them pronounced dead.

    The temporary protocol issued this week by the Regional Emergency Medical Service is meant to ease the burden on city hospitals, some of which have begun transferring patients more than 100 miles north to the Albany area."

    --There will be further restrictions on who gets transported coming. You are on your own.


  19. "You are in your own" best comment you've made nick.
    Many of us have been figuring that for some time. We will have such as we have or more importantly can organize. Now is NOT the time to need the ED.
    As to earlier comments, you might have missed the "...put on their PPE..."
    And no one, least of all me is suggesting sacrificing "HCW"s. We don't need people doing tummy-tucks right now and if your specialty Doc is not an idiot they should be able to lend a hand now AND be available for your colonoscopy down the road
    Boat Guy

  20. Leaving pulseless cardiac arrest patient on scene has been the standard for a lot of places for years. Do your best, and if that doesn't work, call medical control and leave them on scene. It's not morbid, but why risk an EMS crew, the firefighters riding along to help and the public lugging someone to the hospital emergent for the same outcome?

  21. @ApoloDoc,

    "Planned Parenthood is an essential business? REALLY?"
    A StrawMan Argument is a poor way to say "Hello." I never said it was an "essential business". I said you can't use a crisis as an ad hoc excuse to close it just because it suits your political disposition. A tyrant is a tyrant. There is window on getting one. You can't blanket-ban the procedures for 9 months, and then look all shocked and surprised when there's a baby waiting for you on day 280.

    Yep, we can continue to kill several thousand unborn children per day, because "rights" while stripping most people from the right to do their own jobs. There is one death for every abortion. THAT is a serious CFR (yeah, I know, the true rate is 99.x% because sometimes the kid just says "NO!" and lives anyway; rare but it happens).
    Don't like it? Change the goddamned LAW. There's a process for that, and it isn't "emergency decrees" from any governor. Anyone who tries that route is a tyrant, and anyone who cheers it on, before, during, or after, is a fuckwit in need of a good dick-punching.

    "Not sure how saying you are 'against abortion' but then saying that is an essential business that we cannot shut down. Utterly incoherent..."
    I'm against abortion, because Roe v. Wade was and is monstrously bad law, and worse precedent for legislating from the judicial bench.
    So is trying to bootstrap a de facto ban on the practice by packing it into a pandemic quarantine law. Two wrongs don't make a right, and acting butthurt or confused over this is utterly stupid. I hope that wasn't too subtle.

    People don't get to inject their political hot potato pet projects into emergency decrees, unless they're up for a good neck stretching in the public square, for open outright tyranny. I'd be happy to place the noose and pull the lever myself, ad infinitum and would cheerfully do exactly that, with zero fucks given, and without losing any sleep over the act afterwards. (It's always a good idea to have a fallback occupation.)

    Sic temper tyrannis. Like the speed of light or gravity: Not just a good idea; it's the law.

  22. FDA Approves Anti-Malarial Drugs Chloroquine And Hydroxychloroquine For Emergency Coronavirus Treatment

  23. Folks the gubbermint bailed out the corporations again just like 2008. The federal reserve can now indirectly acquire stock assets. Think about it 3.2 million people filed for unemployment 2 weeks ago and the market went up. That 2.2 trillion dollars should go to the people to stimulate the economy, its your money anyway. Trump signed the bill, even Bernie Sanders if president would have raised a little hell over the bailout. The Kentucky senator called for a recorded vote and Trump and Gore both shamed him on social media. It caused those d c assholes to return to DC to meet quorum to quash the recorded vote so it stayed a voice vote. How bout them apples, no accountability. The beer virus is a serious issue and Aesop has been saying that for months. It then became cover for the gubbermint to stick it to you again if we don't wake up this time come election time its over.

    If it goes to hell here like I indicated a month ago due to the economic impact shutting this place down the American people probably won't be able to pay on their debt. That's okay though the bankers and wall street deserve it after 1913 and their history up to 2008.


  24. @Charles in VA
    "2 Corinthians 17
    Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty."

    I think the issue here is that the people who congregated together may result in a cluster of COVID-19 cases and some or all of them may well show up a week or so later at the hospital emergency room complaining of difficulty breathing and wanting to be treated.

    At that point, Health Care Workers like Aesop and Public Health Officials do indeed
    have a dog in the fight and should have a say in the matter.

    Also there are waterfall / domino effects - more people are in the ER hospital with COVID-19 and someone with a heart attack or in a serious accident at home or work or on the highway doesn't get treated in time due to ambulances, EMTs, Drs, Nurses, clinics, hospitals not being available and as a result they die.

    If the spirit of the Lord moves the Preacher and the congregation to boldly step out in faith anyway and have the service, God Bless them, but at least they should stay home if they get sick and rely on God to heal them and avoid being a further burden on the hospital staff and resources.

    Freedom and Liberty rely on people being intelligent and making smart decisions. Too many people doing stupid things and then expecting to be saved from the consequences of those things and you get the real tyrannical response.

    Right now for instance, Michigan is in a "soft" lock-down. If this COVID-19 infection and death rate goes off the charts I would guess that concrete barriers across the roads and police checkpoints might be somewhere down the list of steps to make it a "hard" lock-down.

    So anything we all can do to keep this sort of thing from getting out of hand any more than it already has is a good thing I think.

  25. "available for your colonoscopy down the road"

    --YES this exactly. I delayed, and now I need one, but can't/wouldn't anyway get one. Don't know how you pulled that one out, but I wish I hadn't procrastinated...


  26. Surgeon Predicts 1 to 1.5 Million US Coronavirus Cases (20 - 30 thousand deaths with 2% death rate) by Easter Sunday 12 April 2020. (Assuming 4 day doubling time). Also mentions death rate may climb up to 11% long term as per Italy.

  27. Just reading 'The Penguin History of the USA' by Hugh Brogan and it has a wonderful quote from your Supreme Justice Hughes on Schechter Poultry Corporation -v- United States "'Extraordinary conditions' he allowed 'may call for extraordinary remedies. But... Extraordinary conditions do not create or enlarge constitutional power'."

  28. Just saw Wall Street Journal headline.

    6 million plus applied in 2 weeks. This virus is serious medically and economically.

    QUIT ASKING AESOP QUESTIONS. Standard week for nurses is 3 - 12 hour shifts, I could not do that myself mostly do to age. I doubt he is working standard shifts and in the middle of HELL.


  29. Fiddlin John CarsonApril 2, 2020 at 5:19 AM

    Sweet baby Jesus,

    I guess the USN didn't learn from that first cruise ship that locked 2,000 passengers down with a few infected, which infected 800 within a coupla weeks.

    "The Navy is thus far refusing to completely evacuate an aircraft carrier where 93 service members have been confirmed to be infected with the coronavirus. Defense Secretary Mark T. Esper has put himself on the side of business as usual in maintaining readiness while also saying that force protection is a top priority. "

    Obviously maintaining readiness is not a priority because in a coupla weeks, that 93 is gonna be 500 or more. For the love of God why the hell the very first sailors infected were not removed from the ship is beyond me.

  30. Aesop,
    Your commentary suggests a philosophical question. Would you rather get BFed, sideways, and never on Sunday, with a rusty chainsaw, or have your rectum stapled with the Covidien(c) EEA Hemorrhoid Stapler?

  31. @Fiddlin John,

    They probably don't have 3000-4000 test kits, so removing the symptomatic might be helpful in the short term, but wouldn't solve the ultimate problem.

    Then they have to decon every square foot of a nuclear aircraft carrier with whoever's left.

    As if.

  32. "You want to get another revolution? This sort of happy horseshit is how you get another revolution."

    Close enough in some areas that once we get past the bulk of this mess and reach the finger pointing stage, we may pole vault right into it.

  33. "Why do you assume that the Chinese dropped a bioweapon on themselves, nearly destroying their economy?"

    The Chinese killed 80 million of their own people over the last 70 years just to prove a political point. That's over 3,000 people a day.

    Releasing it "there" just gives them face saving creds.
    The market will crash no matter what happens. It has zero long term viability.

  34. INCLUDING the Obama Era Leadership of the CDC's Ongoing "Mistakes"

    And the FDA's. Whatever and whoever the source (the other likely one is humans smuggling pangolins, who after capture are kept in confined spaces, which could arrange pangolin -> pangolin -> pangolin etc. forcing just like is done in labs like one of Wuhan's for "gain of function experiments". True Mad Scientists taking an innocent bird flu (in the US) or bat coronavirus (both US, all halted by moratoriums, or the PRC), and making it work better in normal mammals), the FDA's actions before February 29th, and the CDC's were all but calculated to make sure their superiors would be flying blind through mid-March at the earliest.

    The FDA for example insisted private companies prove their tests were able to distinguish between SARS-CoV-2, SARS-CoV which died out, and MERS-CoV. There's absolutely nothing that can justify that, it sounds like deliberate foot dragging.

    Although if an conspiracy, probably an auto-conspiracy by people who hate Trump and deplorables with an unquenchable fire, not all the FDA was in on it, one of their true Top Men went to the CDC to try to help diagnose their comprehensive testing failures, he was not an inspector or on an inspection trip. He was initially denied entry despite the visit being prearranged and cleared, and what he later saw in the Atlanta International Reagent Resource manufacturing facility so appalled him he started talking to people outside and above the CDC, and very soon all hell broke loose.

    For example, the above mentioned February 29th FDA action where they opened the flood gates to other organizations testing (although they've shut down all efforts for in home testing, take samples there, send them to a lab). I think we're allowed to wonder if some of this was deliberate, vs. merely criminal incompetence that will cost tens of thousands of American lives.
