Thursday, April 2, 2020

Some Rules Always Apply


  1. We will get to the other side of this. When? I don't know. What will it look like? I don't know. Will I live through it? I don't know and not real concerned as God is in control but their is evil in this world. (I have only started using that phrase in the last few years because I did not want to admit it I guess.)

    I have said many a time this is the greatest nation in the world and the majority of its people are extremely resilient. What will it look like? I don't know. I just pray for the beer virus to end and the hearts and minds of humanity come together. If we have to shoot our way out of this so be it. Evil needs to be exterminated but we can not do it alone but with help we can move mountains.

    1. Chris,
      it is my opinion that you (nor I) would ever successfully exterminate * ALL * evil...maybe for a little while? Who was it that said “hard times produce hard men. Hard men work hard and create good times. Good times produce soft men...soft men allow hard times to arise” (probably not the exact quote?)

      Even that one disciple of Jesus named Judas...the disciple who was chosen to handle the groups money...Psalm 139 is one that has brought me considerable calm (after my reasoning finally found a way to rationalize and make peace with it...)

  2. My state motto: "With God, ALL things are possible!"


    1. Ain't looking too good for the part of Ohio I'm in.
      Right on the Summit county/ Cuyahoga county border.

  3. Someone denied what they were seeing with their own eyes. But here it is.

    And those aren't "medical professionals" moving the dead with the funeral home guy, they are security guards in uniform.


  4. This is always an appropriate reminder.

    Just like, "Character is who you are in the dark."

  5. I guess the new commenting rules are working? 5 comments so far on this article compared to 41 on the previous in about the same amount of time. As usual, the few screw it up for the many, sadly.


  6. Yes, new commenting more nony-moose’s!

    Here’s some thoughts of mine from Wednesday...

    As it appears our planet is still mostly at the beginnings of the coronavirus pandemic (and the resultant effects on the world economy that will follow) the concept enters my mind that we are a world at war. It has been said “there are no atheists in foxholes” and i find myself regarding our individual homes to be very much like foxholes~as government orders of “shelter in place” extend further and further.

    As i begin to type this out (April 1st, 2020) i am 46 years old. I might have briefly counted myself among the atheists *decades* ago, but over the years i have incrementally developed an understanding of a phenomenon i shall describe as “the almighty”

    Beginning yesterday evening, i have experienced considerable inspiration to share a few thoughts with many of you, (based on many of the comments i have read on this blog, and others)

    Many of us are familiar with a Hollywood character named Thanos. Remember what happened when he snapped his fingers? Our world today might not be *exactly* like that Hollywood movie, but it does seem to be coming awfully (painfully?) close...

    The uncertainties we face today understandably causes great anxiety for the future. I share these thoughts with you that perhaps i might also share some of the tranquility that i have developed since my days of atheism...

    From the Bible (Ecclesiasties 9:12) it says: no man knows when his time shall come. Like fish in a net, or a bird caught in a snare, so is it with men when evil times unexpectedly fall upon them. (see also Matthew 24:36)

    This next thought might be a little more challenging to internalize, but it actually came to my mind first...(Proverbs 3:5-6) Trust in the lord with all of your heart. Lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways submit to him and he shall direct your path.

    For our healthcare workers (many who are already engaged on the field of battle with this invisible enemy) the words of Daniel Joseph Daly* (at Belleau Wood, June 6th, 1918) come to mind: “Come on, you sons of bitches, do you want to live forever?”

    Despite SGM Daly’s motivating words* i remind our healthcare workers that you help no one if you are dead. Please do everything you can to stay healthy & safe.

    Godspeed to you all.

    *if you want to believe Wikipedia, there has been different accountings of what exactly was said, and who actually said what...for anyone who might already be thinking to disagree with my historical references...

    most of you know me as “carolinaTURTLE”

  7. And how about some juicy gossip I heard yesterday?

    A chiropractor somewhere in New York State says High doses of vitamin C is helpful for fighting the Kung Flu... i am unable to offer any hard scientific data, but 3000mg/day (by injection) is what stuck in my mind...

    Reportedly, this was posted on Facebook before being banned/censored...

    Even more interestingly, it was a Doctor somewhere in PRC/chicom that was the first to successfully treat coronavirus victims.

    Heck...everyone be ready for THIS blog to get shut’s probably only a matter of time...

    Aesop, it’s been an honor serving together with you here at i.w.1 (first internet war)

  8. I have gone out for groceries and yes I have been wearing a mask and cheap latex gloves. Had to go to the vet to pick up heart worm meds for the kiddies. No walk in there either thank God. Wife became furloughed from her retail outlet on Monday (first time ever) will be one of the 10 million who have filed for unemployment this week along with her coworkers across this nation. Hang on is all we can do. I talk to those retail people and thank them cautioning them to be safe as possible. Every stinkin one of them should be provided a mask if possible. I do see most wearing some type of latex glove.

    FYI don't watch much network news but do peak in to hear what they say as well. Lo and behold it was a ABC news clip and video about a study on sneezes traveling 27 feet. Seconds after there is the great Dr. Fauci denying it saying they don't travel 27 feet, on national news no less. What a dumbass. They may or may not travel that far but who cares, and where is his study backing up his claim.

    Thankful Aesop has increased my spidey sense and gut feelings, this year especially.

  9. PS. Aesop I have and am praying for you and all the medical personnel. Saw a video this a.m. at ninety miles from tyranny showing the dead being taken out of NY hospital to a mobile morgue in the middle of the news. Gruesom.

  10. Thanks for making it so that 'anonymous' peeps are out. It was becoming tiresome to weed through for the nuggets of truth and wisdom. I pop on here probably 10 times a day (maybe more really) for any intel or updates because it's hard to find anyone with the knowledge and willingness to tell it like it is....cheers Mate. Stay safe and GTFO when the time comes. We could use you on the perimeter at the bugout in North Central Arkansas ;)

  11. A chiropractor somewhere in New York State says High doses of vitamin C is helpful for fighting the Kung Flu... i am unable to offer any hard scientific data, but 3000mg/day (by injection) is what stuck in my mind...

    Reportedly, this was posted on Facebook before being banned/censored...

    Facebook is not a typical forum for doctors to discuss therapies they're trying and if they work, and the fact that Zuckerberg has arrogated to himself the role of World’s Chief Medical Officer doesn't matter for this domain.

    There's been lots of discussion, and I think a few papers or the equivalent for such a fast moving topic, on IV Vitamin C as a possible COVID-19 therapy, and it's not getting suppressed by the journals etc. for doctors. As I recall, the last time I heard anything about it it was considered to be unproven, and you of course don't believe anything claiming to be science that comes out of the PRC until you see it duplicated in open societies.

    1. The New York Chiropractor first received the chicom vitamin C report through unofficial direct channels...and the Facebook page was primarily to provide info for his clients (forgot to add that) but then, this is at least *4th hand* by the time i heard about it...that it came unofficial & direct from other healthcare already makes it more credible...i had heard nothing about it previously, and the worst effect of overdose is diarrhea? (store shelves in Iowa have lots of gaps on the vitamin C spaces too)...i guess you are more “in the know” medically, than i!

  12. Gamegetter, it's gonna be FUN!!

    And yeah we might have to USE our special skills over fires.


    Ain't lookin wonderful a tad north of you. You saw they're evaluating BOTH the Convention Center down town (Cleveland, OH) AND the I-X Center for surge hospitals.
    Pretty sure EVERY "Offishul" record of my skills has expired. Gonna keep it that way, too.

    OH and the Clinic (CCF) is turning their Education Building (the Case/CCF Medical School site) into a surge hospital as well.

    Keep yer knives sharp, yer cast iron seasoned and yer powder dry. Interesting Times are inbound.

    Night Driver.

  13. Thatwouldbetelling-- There is a LOT of historical/ anecdotal info on Vit C/ascorbates in contemporaneous writings for 1917-19 Flu and some other diseases.

    Yep, unproven but widely supported.

    Like tannic acid for burn treatments, which is coming back with studies etc.

    Night Driver

  14. I'm hoping it's a temporary situation, but I'm not regretting it a bit today.

    1. I’ve always liked the ease of my anon postings, but i am surprised how easy non-anon posting turned out to’s nice to worry less that someone will type something & sign with my sig too...

  15. Aesop said...
    I'm hoping it's a temporary situation, but I'm not regretting it a bit today.
    April 3, 2020 at 9:01 AM


    Night Driver

  16. The New York Chiropractor first received the chicom vitamin C report through unofficial direct channels...

    If he said that, stop paying attention to him, he's a liar. If so, it sounds like he's trying to make it seem he's letting you in on a secret that's being suppressed by the powers that be. And Facebook is doing some really extreme censoring on this topic, but that's not true of the biomedical community.

    and the Facebook page was primarily to provide info for his clients (forgot to add that)

    His clients are capable of mixing up or sourcing sterile Vitamin C for injection as you previously said???

    The side effect of diarrhea is known if you're taking megadoses of it by mouth, and as I recall ascorbic acid vs. more tolerated forms, although probably not in megadosing. 10 grams/day is an upper limit I vaguely recall before most people get side effects.

    However, there can and is likely a big difference between taking something by mouth and bypassing all that including a variety of regulatory systems and putting it into the body by IV as I recall of the method reported.

  17. @ carolinaTURTLE:
    Re: Vit C: Happened to watch a video from a clif high a week or so ago talking in detail about Vit C in regards to C-19. I cannot vouch for the validity of the content nor do I recall which video (sorry) but you may want to check his channel. He is a big proponent of Vit C, chaga mushrooms and other stuff.

  18. You NE Ohio boys better keep your heads on a swivel as the chimpout in cleveburgh is gonna be epic and after the initial hooliganism, I'm sure they will move towards the 'burbs'. If it were me, I'd hit Rocky River first; close and lots of $200K income households. Not many guns either.

  19. East Cleveland would be the source of any issue I might have to handle...

    Like I told Gamegetter, it'll be fun...

    Yes, as a retired Medic, my definition of fun might be a bit twisted...

    Night Driver

  20. Except for the ‘gangstas’, no one in East Cleveland owns a gun so you’re likely GTG. Best of luck in the shitpocalypse my man!
