Monday, March 9, 2020

RIP Max Von Sydow

As Joubert, in "Three Days Of The Condor"

Swedish-born, been in everything, played everyone, and made over 100 films and TV series in a career going back to 1949. Nominated for Oscars, Emmys, Golden Globes, but only won a couple of film festival awards. Always worth watching, even if the show was utter crap. His clip above with Redford is one of my all-time favorites. He was Jesus in The Greatest Story Ever Told, and the old priest in The Exorcist. Was in Game Of Thrones in 2016, did two more movies after that, and has yet another one in post-production due to be released. Of natural causes yesterday, at home in Provence, France.


  1. Probably the most cold blooded methodical matter of fact contract killer ever performed. The elevator ride is the scariest tension filled moment of two adversaries out thinking one another. He was in Dune also, a great actor of the old school. Too bad they don't make em like that anymore.


  2. "natural causes" ...covid-19 is arguably a "natural" cause, no?

  3. Damn right " for that day " and everyday.

  4. Funny... when I learned of his death earlier today, I immediately looked up that exact clip from Condor. One of my favourites.

    "It would be my pleasure."

    Wonderful actor. RIP.

  5. Watched it again the other day, one of the few I can repeat and enjoy same as the first time. Yes great movie and movies. RIP Max hollywood talent level just dropped another notch, sad.

  6. Ming, the Merciless

    My favorite meme, wish I could post picture

  7. Figured it out, finally

    Flash Gordon was not one of his critically acclaimed roles, but his talents were not wasted

  8. Of all of his great movies, I thought it was hilarious that he was the villain in the 80's movie "Strange Brew" with Bob & Doug McKenzie (Rick Moranis & Dave Thomas). It was a "so bad it was good" movie.,0,1536,1000_AL_.jpg

  9. Satan in "Needful Things";....'Oh, by the way, give my regards to your grandson. Bob will be his name, international trade his game. I'll see him in Jakarta. 2053, August 14th, 10 a.m. A nice, sunny day. We'll make headlines.'

  10. He was the King of Zamora in the first Conan movie. Max Von Sydow and Christopher Lee were my two favorite "sinister" actors.
