Thursday, March 5, 2020

Quoted For Truth

h/t WRSA and Silicon Graybeard

And from SiG, There's nothing bad that government can't make worse. Like Kung Flu in the U.S.


  1. Aesop: We have a “presumptive positive” case of COVID-19 at my location in NW Florida. 70+ year old male with serious comorbidities and a recent overseas travel history. Has been intubated at least one time that I’m aware of. Multiple staff are quarantined.

  2. Lovely.

    Best wishes dealing with the fallout.

  3. We got confirmation of 3 cases where I am in MD, in the very county I, and most Marylanders, live. A couple in their 70s and someone in their 50s, not related, all just back from overseas travel. But, since "state officials...believe" they've not been around school kids, no need to close the schools or anything. I'm thankful 2 out of our 3 kids are young and stay home (no daycare centers, tyvm) and our eldest is in private school, but still...clock's ticking here too and TPTB are apparently letting it happen. Swell.

  4. @ MagisterGreen. As noted elsewhere, the noooz is saying they were "on a cruise". It would be good to know where they'd been, no?


  5. @RJ - Naturally, they're not saying where these people were for "privacy concerns" reasons. Also, the governor issued a statement saying Marylanders should go to work, go to school, no need to panic. Meanwhile I'm laying bets as to when schools will close.

  6. I'm two counties over, in a rural section, FWTW, and work in the school system. Yes, I have been acutely aware for years now the probability of dragging home the gifts from my little germ factories that would take out my elderly parents, so I'm a bit practiced in how to manage. Going over this weekend to inventory what is on hand and make plans to make sure everything is covered should I get sick. 15 weeks left in the school year.
    I don't know that LoCo MoCo has sufficiently bled its residents white enough to cover the bill closing schools will be. fedgov is going to be straining to allocate more than masks soon.
