Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Meanwhile, Somewhere In Saskatchewan...

Ten thousand stand-up comics and late night show writers are going to be eating steak from now to November if this jackhole is the Dumbocrat nominee.

The primaries already look like Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau having a food and pillow fight in Grumpy Old Men III: Grumpy and Grumpier.


  1. I can see the yard signs now "Puddlebrain for President, For a Better America"

  2. Why Saskatchewan?
    I just had to ask. Lol

  3. The race from here on is going to be who's Biden's running mate. Sanders is stick-a-fork-in-him done.

  4. Scary thought: Sleepy Joe has an ace up his sleeve. It is his VP pick. The Halfrican. Just when you thought we were rid of him. Someone tell me it not possible. Please.

    1. I've got a scarier thought: It won't be Obama, it will be his husband Big Mike.

  5. DopeyJoe never knows where he is.
    Or what he's running for.

  6. Really off Topic
    Conservative Canadians in Saskatchewan just formed a new party that is dedicated to independence from Canada. They are getting sick of being tax raped by Ontario and Quebec.

  7. Joe Biden owes his success to the AA vote.


  8. "Ten thousand stand-up comics and late night show writers are going to be eating steak from now to November if this jackhole is the Dumbocrat nominee."

    I think you may be in error there Aesop, at least about the late show hosts, who are, to a man, left wing loons. IMHO, the late show writers and hosts will be offering on air BJ's to have Biden appear because they love them left wing loon politicians.

    Remember when Obozo was making the late night rounds? They were all falling all over themselves to get him on just to hear his voice on their show. Didn't much matter what Obozo said. They just wanted to hear his dulcet tones and display his face on THEIR show.

    There may be some stand up guys who will be writing laugh a gaff lines that most people will never see because TV stations and networks are owned by left wing loons, who aren't going to allow the Demonrat party's anointed one to be disparaged on air, no matter how many times he can't remember where he is or who his wife is or loses his train of thought when trying to make a policy point at a rally.

    Leno and Carson have been replaced by people that cater to millenials and Gen Xers. People like John Oliver, Bill Maher and others of their ilk, like the nowadays Saturday Nite Live crew, who never met a left wing loon or idea they didn't like.


  9. It's a moot point.

    There's no one on the Democrat field that stands a snowball's chance in Hell of besting an incumbent Donald Trump. Further, there's no one they could dig up that would fare any better.

    Beyond that, it's always been the globalist plan to have a Republican in the White House when the economy collapses. It makes the transition to Communism so much more convenient for them.

  10. I suspect keeping Dopey Joe in the race is a tactic to stave off, or try to stave off, the Ukraine corruption investigation. Perhaps the dems are concerned that this particular thread is very long and involves many well known names? Not a medico here but I'm beginning to think ol' Joe is in the beginning stages of dementia or at least some sort of cognitive decline. Should be fun to watch.

    Also should be fun to watch what happens when the Bern gets burned again. I wonder if he'll bend over and take it just like last time?

  11. Don't lose sight of the Wookie.


  12. What about Joe and Bernie? I'm not so sanguine about the Republican chances in November. A lot can happen and the coming unpleasantness we are going to experience as we all play Worldwide Pandemic is a wild card.
