Thursday, February 6, 2020

The Scent Of Failure Clings To Him

It's tough being an analog communist in a digital world.


  1. Bernie's minions are going to lose their shit this time around. It ought to be very entertaining...a maybe a little dangerous.

  2. I don't know what is happening IN New Hampshire, but the rest of the nation is still trying to figure out what happened and who won back in Iowa. This is diverting all the attention away from the actual Democrat candidates. Subverting the entire goal of the primaries. Everyone is talking about what maybe happened four days ago, not next Tuesday. Bravo?!

    I don't think anyone could have done a better job of sabotaging the Democrat Party Presidential Primaries than the Democrats have done themselves. Everyone Democrat is advancing their favorite conspiracy theories and/or pointing fingers and noisily blaming their fellow Democrats.

  3. Possible November scenario given recent events:

    Sanders is screwed out of the nomination yet again and runs as an independent in November. Bloomberg is the Dimrat nominee (he was a D. before he was an R. and is once again a D.)

    Romney runs as an independent in November.

    Bloomberg will be the official Dimrat nominee having spread around a billion or two in all the right places.

    I doubt Romney can garner any more votes than Egg McMuffin did in 2016 but Sanders really could make a difference. And will blacks bother to show up to vote for a NY Jew billionaire?

  4. That phone app was developed to screw Bernie out of the nomination once again.

    "It's not the people who vote that count. It's the people who count the votes." - Stalin

    The vote in NH will be somewhat fair, except for the same day registrants they bus up from Mass, East from VT and West from Maine. I'm waiting for news from border state counties reporting more votes cast than residents.


  5. Normally I would never vote (D) under any circumstances, but this time I think I'll vote for Comrade Bernie because having him as the nominee scares the shit out of them.

  6. Primaries are open in GA and SC, not that I would ever try to maliciously interfere with a political party's primary.

    Opie Odd

  7. Wookie/Butt-gig 2020
    It's time we had a faggot and a tranny in the Whitehouse!

  8. All this political intrigue, and the first thing that crossed my mind when reading that last line was the Digimon intro song...

    Does that make me a weeb?

  9. Bernie's still clinging to his dialectical materialism world view.


    Another peek under the hood of the Bernie machine. This lends a little more credence to the rhetoric about burning down the country if Bernie doesn't get the nomination.

    Who even knew Iowa Muslims was a thing?

    We're living in interesting times.
