Sunday, January 19, 2020

Sunday Music: If You Could Read My Mind

Forget the other 40 or 50 classic songs Gordon Lightfoot ever did, for a minute. If this 1970 masterpiece was the only song he'd ever written or sung, he'd still deserve to be in the Music Hall of Fame just for this one. Equal parts masterwork and melancholy thick enough to cut with an axe. If you've never sung along with this one, you simply have no soul.


  1. Still got it.

  2. I'm glad that someone else recognizes what a masterpiece of composition this song is. One of those "perfect songs" you encounter in your journey...

  3. Great tune. And, I'm glad you're a arrogant asshole !!!!

  4. A great tune to be sure. Also "Beautiful" that I sung to my wife as we drove to dinner on our anniversary near the Ashokan reservoir in NY state.

  5. This was one of my favorite songs when it came out. It still is, and it's hard to believe that it's been almost 50 years.

    Aesop, you can be an arrogant asshole at times, but that's one of the reasons we like you.

  6. This brings back memories...

    It was a slow dance staple at my High School 6-8 years after it was released.

    Which, when you think about it is a remarkable longevity for that age group.

  7. The Mrs. often requests Gordon, especially after a glass or two of wine.

    Great song - great portfolio of songs, really.

  8. If you could read my mind, Aesop. How weird is this. This song popped into my head on the drive home from the beach. I was singing it in the truck all the way up Hwy 39. Got home, put on some coffee, and decided to check the interweb.
    And here we are.


  9. You never told us you were an arrogant asshole Aesop. I really wish you would keep us apprised of these developments. I feel so left out...

  10. Gordon Lightfoot is so good he almost makes me want to be Canadian.

  11. I disagree. I only sing along to Mister Lightfoot if we are lamenting a good ship and crew.

    1. Yes, the Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald was one of his many other great works. Truly haunting melody.

      It sort of surprises me that nobody composed a song after the SS El Faro went down with all 33 crew in Hurricane Joachin in 2015. Greatest maritime disaster of a US flagged ship since WWII and nobody could be bothered to compose a song or even write a poem.

  12. Like Neil Peart,Lightfoot is a lyricist from the Great White North whose words will stay with you.
    Very different music styles,but utterly superb.

    Aesop,you Magnificent A-Hole,thanks for Sunday Music.

  13. Sorry Mr.Aeaop, the Daughter Product and I got back from Eugene Onegin, so... ...okay music is okay.

    In other news we all know 1/20/2020 in Richmond, Virginia is a trap. So make Monday a day of prayer. Pass it on.

    Deo volente

  14. A lot of other musicians covered his songs. I am a fan of almost every one including Sit Down Young Stranger, Cotton Jenny, Sundown, Christian Island, Old Dan's Records and the list goes on and on and on.

    A magnificent guitar player also.

    He is absolutely my favorite musician.

  15. Gordon Lightfoot ad Jim Croce were masters of their craft. Whether you like their product or not is a matter of taste. But I do happen to like them.

  16. It's one of those songs that gets me pissed off at radio stations for playing the short version.

  17. TANKS fun over protestors! Thousands dead! Authorities crack down! Oooops, too bad. That was some place in China 30 something years ago, not Richmond, VA. And talk about TERRIBLE PRESS! " Thousands of gun-rights advocates packed the streets around the Virginia Capitol on Monday, bristling with weapons, flags and passionate shouts of “U-S-A! U-S-A!” but never erupting into the violence authorities had feared." Washington Post. "Police estimated 22,000 people attended Monday’s gun-rights rally in Richmond." Richmond Times-Dispatch. How will we ever live down such chilling media reports?

    But thanks to Aesop and the other warriors that spouted their "wisdom" and warned of the "kill boxes", surveillance, rooftop snipers, waiting railroad cars, coming violence and other factors that might have kept a few people from going to the rally. And thanks for leading the way and showing how staying low and posting mightily on the web makes your feelz better as your state, California, dreams up more and more bizarre schemes to disarm the law abiding. Of course your disability goes back to Ronnie Raygun banning open carry cuz them uppity blacks dared to come to the capitol with gunz. Keep up the good work.


  19. Monday night music.

    Just in case you were wondering.....

  20. Where the fuck is that faggot Bracken at? I'm ready to break it off in his ass. Pussy ass motherfucker must be sanding his oars.

  21. Goddamn it's quiet as fuck up in here tonight. What happened? Must be tranny story hour.

  22. We can all be thankful that the event went off peacefully.

    The result of this thing is going to be exactly ZERO in regards to changing minds in the dimrat government. The very best that can be hoped for is that they will tone it down a little until things cool off before setting out again to put an effective end to the 2nd Amendment. But it wouldn't surprise me if they simply ignored the whole thing and carried on like nothing much happened. After all, it's not like they weren't aware that there was opposition to their planned legislation.
