Tuesday, January 21, 2020


Might wanna put some ice on that.

The beauty salon called. They said they'll have enough lipstick for your pig when the truck comes in next Thursday.


  1. Your 2nd one is 'cute' but inaccurate. Coonman owns that; no one else.

  2. It's amazing how much common sense breaks out when you have several thousand armed men surrounding the police. Somehow, the police managed to not cause a riot inside the cordon.

    There's a lesson to be learned here.

  3. God Bless everyone who had the courage to attend the Pro 2A Rally in Richmond VA - in spite of all the dire predictions of a mass outbreak of violence by ANTIFA types, mass false flag shooting and mass arrests of our people on our side - that at the time looked very likely to happen - still showed up.

    Also yesterday the 20th of January here was a gun rights rally at the state capitol in Lansing, MI (presently we have w Democrat woman Governor and Democrat woman Attorney General, both who are anti-gun) in support of the Richmond, VA rally. I can tell you from first hand experience that looking around and seeing who showed up and standing strong amongst other like minded dedicated people is a great thing.


  4. I have to applaud those who went. Y'all actually DID something, and nobody got hurt. Kudos.

    And yet, what now? The bills WILL pass, and be enacted, in Virginia.

    My point is this: When contemplating an action, the prudent man asks himself "What will I do if it's a success? And, what will I do if it fails?" If the two answers are the same, do you really need to do it?

  5. If 25k armed protesters wanted to start boogalooin' 2k cops wouldn't be even a speedbump - not to mention all the friendly and supportive encounters between on-duty LEOs and protesters that were reported by our guys on the ground. If you waved a magic wand and vanished all the security measures nothing bad would have happened. We law-abiding gun owners are not inclined towards violence. If we were violent we would have already dragged gun grabbers out of their unguarded homes and given them the Mussolini treatment. The media fearmongering and the governor's abuse of emergency powers just looks foolish to the world in the face of everybody's exemplary behavior.

  6. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lPd3nWkYrtg
    Ya might wanna feature this one.
    The thumbnail is worth the price of admission alone.
    Ps. Stay to the very end.

  7. At a Trump rally, the campaign gets a lot of data on the attendees whether they get in to the event or not.

    In this day and age, identifying who the warm bodies not carrying a cell phone . at yesterday's Resistance event were would probably be of interest to someone. That said, thank God that actual negligent discharges didn't happen. Whether metaphorical ones were also avoided is still TBD.

  8. The gun grabbing Democrats are more than happy to allow thousands of us 2nd Amendment supporters to lobby/protest all we want and gather by the thousands and stand around while they continue their march to disarm us. This is not going to slow down the lefts efforts to slowly take away our gun rights piece by piece until one day we wake up and our rights are gone. They know the demographics are rapidly changing in this country and in a few years they will have total control and power. The day of reckoning is fast approaching.

  9. Yea! We didn't kill anybody yesterday! Yea! The Police were professional and no troublemakers there had a chance to do something REALLY Bad to our efforts.

    Now CRY thinking (yeah that will make some of you cry to think) HOW much FREE Data You GAVE to the NSA's computers of active TROUBLEMAKERS to be TARGETED one by one as they go to work....

    330 MILLION Americans nearly 1 million armed LEO's THEY NEEDED Targeting Data.

    NOW how many of you HEROES bought firearms, firearm gadgets, Night Vision Gear, AMMO WITH A CREDIT CARD??? MOAR Targeting data to confirm the other data.

    NO Officer I Don't Have an AR.... Officer "Seems you BOUGHT a case of 5.56mm ammo 3 moths ago Sir with your credit card last 4 of xxxx AND PAID the Credit Card Bill with out calling about "Incorrect Charges"..."

    That Military Spy plane circling YOUR 20th "Event" IS the Same sort of unit used to locate TROUBLEMAKERS in the Sand Box. You KNOW like the one that directed the Drone Strike on that Iranian General a few weeks ago....

    NO your probably not worth a drone but maybe a SWAT Team visit at 0 dark thirty on you and your family. Your Wife and Kids will BE SO PROUD when the Flash Bang goes off....

    I don't use profanity on the internet (or try not too..) but wow how PROUD you must be making yourselves into NEAT Intelligence Packages to be PROCESSED as they find the time. Bubba 50 Cal with the CUTE Red Blankie should be close to TOP of the List maybe.

    Well the GOOD NEWS is that all those folks gave the Wolves plenty to chew on WHILE the rest of US prepare for the nastiness to come. Sort of a SLOW MOTION Boston Massacre eh? Not just one volley of Musket Fire to the idiots throwing snowballs at the British Troops....

  10. Unknown 733AM and Anonymous 1145AM. Those comments are terribly accurate.

  11. Like the man once said "All we had to do was show-up." The intel gathered was not a win for Blackface, if they try to enforce Unconstitutional laws it's Igloo time,open season because they called down the rain on themselves. Regardless of what happens next they are surrounded inside their Green Zones. Blackface cannot use military action against civilians w/o the entire nation rising-up against him, he can't bring in the UN and he's too far from Canada. An army of Skinnys Talibanand zombies will be mowed down on sight. He's in a pickle; any move he makes takes him further from the protection of his office. He can be impeached by public vote.
