Monday, December 2, 2019

Seasonal Ear Worms

I expect to get back at it tomorrow, but expect once a day or so, possibly more, I'll be throwing out music each day, not just on Sunday, apropos of the season. Possibly attached to other posts, possibly on their own, as the mood strikes.


  1. Probably my least favorite, ever.

  2. No, no, no, please not Christmas music! I started hating it even before I became a teen back in the sixties. The day after Thanksgiving every single music station started playing nothing, but Christmas tunes. It must have been a law or something. You would go up and down the dial and the only rock & roll to be found was "Run, Run, Rudolph". I take that back. I do have one favorite song of the season...........

  3. Heh, try working at a radio station during this time of year. You actually have to listen to to the music to make sure it isn't skipping (or did back when I worked and we used actual records) and be ready to switch to the next song.

    To this day I can't listen to Christmas music.

    Yet another reason (crowds being the primary one) I avoid any shopping areas this time of year.

  4. Randy, been there, done that back in 1972 - 1973. Lasted six months as a radio DJ. Hated every minute of the gig. Left on my own accord and never looked back.........

  5. You're stuck with 'em.
    Deal with it.
    But it won't be every post, or anything like.
    Maybe one a day, max.
    There's some I love, and some I can't stand.
    I won't subject anyone to the latter.
    And the Sundays will be the usual fare.
    Linus & Lucy was on the rotation for months back, and Sunday seemed like a good excuse.

  6. Nice. I'll tag 'em for a loop around the house. :)
    Besides, who can forget Claudine Longet?

  7. Well, Spider Sabich was left with a memory of her that lasted him the rest of his life!
