Monday, December 16, 2019

Achievment Unlocked: Prank Package Demigod

A year ago, the dude created the original glitter bomb package.
Went on Kimmel for April Fool's. Twice.
Now he's spent a year improving Glitter Bomb, and has launched  v2.0.

We bow in sincere admiration. Enjoy.


  1. Awesome! Love seeing thieves get their just deserts.


  2. Would prefer to see a smoke bomb that goes off after it is opened.
    Or CS gas.

  3. "Awesome! Love seeing thieves get their just deserts."

    Just deserts would be an omni-directional claymore.

    I HATE thieves.

  4. Have it sling tiger piss or doe piss all over. That smell will never be removed.

    Can't wait for next year's addition.

  5. Personally, I think the motorized sprayers are overly complicated.

    I'd have used a CO2 cartridge, or charged the sprayers with compressed air so they fully unload.

    After the first video he made, I figured dogshit and deer urine in a fountain, as opposed to glitter. Use CO2 to explode a sticky mess.

    I wonder what the payoff is for the average package thief? I order some innocuous shit from Amazon. Most of what I order is mundane.

    "Let's open it, OOOH! That looks like an oxygen sensor for an ancient toyota! What a score!"

  6. What's wrong with C4?

  7. Ned2 said, "What's wrong with C4?"

    It probably won't let them suffer. Instead, everything from hog-piss to CS gas.
