Thursday, December 12, 2019

A Terrible Resolve



  1. I hope so. And, let me say, when we have to hope for bloodshed in order to bring this COUNTRY in order, that is saying something. But other generations had to do it too. Sadly, I don't see any of these hearings leading to prison time for any of the traitors involved. Public shaming, but then going right back to the job that they used to overthrow the 2016 election, doesn't lend itself to rehabilitation, does it? No, unless the public gets the resolve to get the gov't they need, instead of this one they have, things will not change for the better. That road will be ugly, but far, far more attractive than the hideous beast that Wasington DC has become.

  2. At this point, civil war 2.0 is probably the best hope for the country. And isn't that depressing?

  3. There are two officials - two - in the process of building legal cases against all the people in those agencies. Two people trying to take down a deep state that has been in place for decades? Good luck with that.

    A question to ponder is what happens if Attorney General Barr or prosecutor John Durham suffer an "unexpected accident?"

    That could happen any moment of any day.

  4. Many do not know that Yamamoto was educated in the U.S. and understood us better than a lot of our own understand us then and now. He made that statement after attacking Pearl Harbor knowing full well that his leaders like ours would not listen to wise counsel.

  5. @SiG,

    Shenanigans = Full Boogaloo


    Epstein didn't kill himself.
    Bullshit is now past its freshness date.
    Grace period has expired.

  6. There are two officials - two - in the process of building legal cases against all the people in those agencies. ... what happens if Attorney General Barr or prosecutor John Durham suffer an "unexpected accident?"

    Those two people (Durham specifically) have rather large teams of people working for them. Teams that have NOT LEAKED a thing in the three years this cluster has been going on. In a city that lives on leaks.

    Concern is understandable, but I don't think you have to worry too much about single points of failure here.

  7. There's no saving "this country" as we know it. The leviathan it has become is unsustainable. Seems that could be said for just about all of the Western Civilizations in the present form.
    "Justice" is a harsh boot on the necks of those who aren't members of the "in crowd" of globalists, socialists and fascists.
    Unless something changes soon, there is immense savagery in our future as the various factions release their pent up frustrations and prejudices.
    "They" must decide to leave those of "us" who only want to live our lives in peace through liberty alone, but they won't so blood will soak the ground from sea to shining sea.


    Fran had a correction on the graphic: hauled should be haled. He approved the above image.
