Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Headlines Ripped From Last Week's Shift

h/t Silicon Graybeard

More sociopathology from the people who
sold you on single motherhood.
What could possibly go wrong?

From SiG's blog: The Awful Toll Of Puberty-Blocking Drugs

Anecdotally, caring for suicidal pre-teens has gone from a monthly thing to a nightly thing for me.
IOW, a 3000% increase in the last 10 years. And finding pediatric psych placement was difficult when it was only a monthly occurrence.

When young, impressionable, and immature-in-every-way children are told - endlessly - that boys are bad, men are rapists, and masculinity is toxic, why would anybody be surprised that, given the illusory option of switching (as if that were even possible), some boys would?

And when girls find out they're smaller, weaker, and that biology and reality don't care how awesome they think they are, they'd want to 'roid up and change teams too?

The lunatics running the asylum have set upon a course designed to f**k kids in the head for (foreshortened) life as their stated intention; why would anyone be surprised that it's having precisely that effect, and delivering the intended results?

Until this retarded magical-thinking lunacy is properly labeled as the child abuse it has always been, for everyone practicing or preaching it, there's no hope for civilization.


  1. Hi Aesop!!!
    'Reminds me of a comment by my ol' buddy, "Fred Blassie!!!!!"..."Geeks like this are a dime a dozen an' I'm lookin' for the guy supplyin' the dimes!!!"
    When I was a kid this was totally un-thought of... then somewhere in "Jr. High School" there surfaced a "Person" named "Christine Jorgahanson**"
    SHE?IT?HE was #1....
    Now the freak show is better than the line up at the "BAR" at the Mose-Eisley Spaceport in the first "STAR WARS!!!!!!!!"...... check it out!!!!.
    Blue skies buddy,
    skybill-standing by

  2. 3000% increase?!? From a monthly thing to a daily thing? Holy crap.

    They're f**king these kids up for life over some sort of sick virtue signalling. Any physician that does this to a kid needs to have their license pulled, and the parents need some sort of counseling - while their kids get their own.

    The big problem is how to unf**k society.

    1. Oh that's not the Problem at all we know how to unfuck society the Problem is the willingness to do it all together...

  3. Here's where I get wrapped around the axle:

    One of the hallmarks of mental illness is if your perception doesn't match reality. If I believe I'm a golden retriever, the proper therapy for me isn't to give me fur implants, surgery to alter my physical appearance, and graft on a tail. It's to give me a picture of a golden retriever and a mirror (OK, vast over-simplification, but still).

    If you're a guy who likes wearing make-up and dresses, that doesn't make you a woman, it makes you a guy who likes wearing make-up and dresses. You do you and I don't much care. If you're a guy who's convinced you're a woman you have some psychological issues that need to be addressed.

    I belong to a health-and-fitness forum. A couple years ago we had a person who said s/he's "gender fluid", some mornings he wakes up male, sometimes she wakes up female. He/she/it wanted to know how that day's gender would impact the impact of training (particularly strength training). We explained (as gently as possible, because after all we're dealing with the mentally ill) that reaction to training depends largely upon the presence or absence of testosterone and some other hormones/chemicals in the body, which has eff-all to do with how you "felt" that morning and whether you decided to wear pants or a skirt.

    Mark D

  4. Hopefully these children will grow up before it's too late.........and then kill their parents.


  5. "What society does to its children, so will its children do to society."

    -Marcus Tullius Cicero

  6. Holy cow. At least Phrenology was (mostly) harmless. I'd wonder what people a century from now will think about this but more and more it's looking like they will think "Og build fire" ...

  7. Psychs have always been crazy, from the very beginning of their "profession".
    I have never seen any reason to trust them as a whole, a few rare individuals to the contrary notwithstanding.

  8. Darwin, Malthus and Hubbert will UnHump society, not to worry. The gene pool will get extra bleach.

  9. Along with MGTOW, militant feminism, special "gay" rights, this bit about "gender-fluidity" is another attack on the all-important nuclear family. There are other cultures on Earth that are not so burdened just waiting for Western Society to self-destruct so that they can move in and replace us. After we are long-gone, IslamoCommunism probably won't remember us kindly.

  10. The next two or three generations are well and truly screwed. The upside is that normal, well balanced individuals and families will be able to set an example to recover from the coming dark ages...
    Pass along your values and skills to willing recipients. We are approaching a time where a multi generational legacy as a stay behind occupational force is the only answer. We must approach this like the early Christian church approached it.

  11. "Along with MGTOW, militant feminism, special "gay" rights, this bit about "gender-fluidity" is another attack on the all-important nuclear family."

    Call it what it is, degeneracy. Most of all, it is evil, and deserves the same consideration any other evil does, which is none.

    What's more, those pushing it are evil, and should be called same by everyone they meet.

    We have gotten to polite as a society.

  12. Lineman, as ever, is correct. These are capital crimes against the vulnerable in support of tearing down the Republic.
    Boat Guy

  13. Oh, not to threadjack; but, Happy Dead Che day!!!

  14. Thanks for the reminder.
    Occasion noted appropriately.

  15. "The big problem is how to unf**k society."

    Backhoe operators will be in high demand.

  16. Glen Filthie said...
    Somewhere, a father weeps.

    Somewhere, a father needs to grow a pair. If the state interferes? Well, the father needs to do something permanent now he's grown a pair

  17. "Anecdotally, caring for suicidal pre-teens has gone from a monthly thing to a nightly thing for me... a 3000% increase in the last 10 years...

    Any more specific details you can share? Causes? What's changed in your observation to make the numbers go up so?

  18. This shit is literally satanic.

    NE Heretic

  19. Glen Filthie said...
    Do tell... anonymous.

    October 10, 2019 at 1:13 AM

    In the UK they taught degenerate nonsense in school. A Molsem father took exception to this. Walked into the school and broke the teachers jaw.

    All of a sudden, schools all around Britain became more respectful of Islamic beliefs.

    In France, a publication mocked a certain religions prophet, daring them to do something about it. A couple of guys paid a visit with actual assault rifles. Every media outlet got the message and heaven help them if they don't bend over backwards to ensure they don't upset that religion, even if adherents carry out heinous acts.

    Now, let's look at the West. Utter degeneracy. Where are the men? Where are the fathers?

    So what do you want from me? It's not my son
